
Dour Calvinism Rules

Calvinists with a sense of humour may find this link that was passed on to me of interest.


  1. Apparently it's a very popular Calvinist joke!!!

  2. Nice to get your comment. I can tell from your pic that like me you clearly never laugh.

  3. Brent
    So I am right in thinking you can be a Calvinist and have a sense of humour is it?

  4. Well, as Calvinists don't have to be crippled with worry about how we might mess up God's plan, we have time to laugh.
    Spurgeon, for example, was a hilarious Calvinist. And reading Hanna's biography of Thomas Chalmers reveals he had a wonderful sense of humour.

  5. Yes, in my experiecne Calvinism is set to free you up a bit, although I think there is something in the accusation that it can make people a bit dour. The Spurgeon example cuts both ways - lots of humour there but dark days too.
