
Gray's Notes 01

I've spoken to my good friend Darby Gray from Kidsdon about doing some stuff here. He's full of ideas - but we'll see. To kick off he's given me this old notebook full of interesting things. There are 150 items all told. This is the first. Not a great start in my opinion but it gets better. I hope you can read his writing. I corrected one word to make it easier (I hope). he gives examples futher down the page - things like Stuart Olyott The Three are one and Sinclair Ferguson Add to your faith. Jim Packer's Knowing God could be another.


  1. Now I'm really getting worried. Not only do you have three blogs, it appears that your identity has fragmented into three personas: Gary B, Darby G and the real you, Bloggy Man. What is happening to you?

  2. I put it down to living in London. It's a weird,weird world here. (To be slightly serious half the stuff being churned out is already on file so I'm not doing quite as much as appears). PS Darby and the Bloggy Man were a little offended by some of your remarks.

  3. I'm looking forward to this! It's a rare opportunity to read handwriting online - brings back sweet memories of the days before computers came to rule the world.

    Thanks to Exiled Preacher I now understand the Darby Gray bit - that's why I stick to the 'easy' crossword in the paper.

    Sometimes jokes about the intellectual abilities of the Irish are justified in my case.

    Seriously, though, this is a great idea, and I'm looking forward to more from the notebooks.

  4. Hi Gary(s),

    Sorry if I caused any of your identities even a little offence.

    I wondered if your prolific blog output could be explained by the Blue Peter hypothesis (here's something I prepared earlier).

  5. Thanks you for bearing with my strange sense of humour. There's a video somewhere of our boys pretending to be rock stars. One of them (quoting) says something I'd like to say here - 'Thank you people, you're too kind'.
