
Lord's Day October 19

It was good to be back in Childs Hill last Lord's Day. We were rather down in numbers for various reasons (my family were away in Aber and I was very appreciative of the offer of lunch from some members). Just seven of us were at the Lord's Table in the evening (we had grown to 11 by the time of the service). It was good to meet someone who started coming when I went away and that gives me hope. I did two one offs. In the morning I gave my annual harvest message looking at Luke 9:61, 62 and in the evening we looked at Isaiah 41:10. It is a well known verse I think but I did not know it. I had seen it on a passing lorry somewhere. That evening sermon is only 24 minutes long so if you want to check it out it's here. I was encouraged that after one of my members asked me about Christ being forsaken on the cross, a subject that we had almost touched on - I was encouraged because it shows someone is thinking biblically and theologically. I should perhaps have gone into that.

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