
The Whole Christ

We had a bumper turn out (quite a contrast to last time) for the latest reading group gathering at The John Owen Centre. It was especially good to have three Americans present (having three Welshmen there is also good, it goes without saying - and the Englishmen, of course) especially as two of them have had visa problems recently. The book this time was Sinclair Ferguson's The whole Christ his study based on the Marrow controversy, the Marrow men and Thomas Boston. It is not a history book but a work of pastoral theology of the very highest quality. It deals with antinomianism, legalism and assurance; is well written and the footnotes are packed with information. We all liked it, although it is safe to say that some of us were more enthusiastic than others. Our (probably) best read group member was only positive, nothing more. Anyway, I do urge you to get a copy and read it. I want to read my copy again and drink in all the gems scattered about within.

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