The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

10 Uniquely Nicknamed Parliaments

  1. Model Parliament 1295 (a model for later parliaments)
  2. Good Parliament 1376 (due to the sincere efforts by its members to reform the government)
  3. Bad Parliament 1377 (because it undid the work of the Good Parliament)
  4. Blessed Parliament 1604-1610 (the view of Londoners at least)
  5. Addled Parliament 1614 (it passed no bills)
  6. Useless Parliament 1625 (it transacted no significant business)
  7. Short Parliament Apr 1640 (it lasted only three weeks)
  8. Barebone's (Little or Saints') Parliament 1653 (Praise-God Barebone, MP for the City of London)
  9. Cavalier (Pensioner) Parliament 1661-1679 (overwhelmingly royalist and the longest ever)
  10. Loyal Parliament 1685 (at the outset most MPs were loyal to the new king, James II)
(The terms Convention, Long, Oxford and Rump are used for more than one Parliament. Also note the Mad Parliament 1258, Montfort's Parliament 1264, Parliament of Whitebands 1321, the Wonderful Parliament 1386, the Merciless Parliament 1388, the Unlearned or Dnces Parliament 1404, the Fire and Faggot Parliament 1414, the Black Parliament 1523)

Lord's Day June 30 2024

It was a joy to be in Alfred Place Baptist Church, Aberystwyth, morning and evening to hear my son Rhodri  preach two fine sermons on living in the light of the Second Coming and from Romans 6. Good to see so many out in the evening. The meetings were lead by a deacon and an elder.

Gwïon marries Lydia

It was a great joy to be with Gwïon and Lydia and everyone else for the wedding just outside Aberystwyth last Saturday. A really great day.

Sage advice from Dr Lloyd-Jones

This is from a letter written by Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones that appears ina new biography of Leslie Land by Ian Shaw. He is telling Lad how to deal with his depression. Much of it is counter-intuitive but is correct I am sure and can be help to anyone in a similar conditon.

1. Your present trouble is only temporary. It is quite a common happening at your age and it will in no way affect you permanently. It is quite a common experience and one from which the patient invariably makes a full recovery. Do not analyse your symptoms. Still less be worried about them. Our nervous system can play all sorts of tricks with us and if we begin to consider each symptom we can become very worried. Avoid that. Just relax completely and give nature a chance.
2. Don't be in too much of a hurry. Reconcile yourself to the fact that for the time being you must do just nothing. That is the way to prepare for the future.
3. Do not think at all about the work at Leicester (Land was pastor of Melbourne Hall). It is God's, not yours, and he will care for it.
4. You will find that this experience will be most rewarding spiritually. It will bring you as it has brought me to rest more in the love and perfect wisdom of God. I am sure that He has something special for you in all this for which you will thank Him all your life. It will enrich your ministry.
Rest in him and abandon yourself entirely to him.

Carey 2025

The Carey Conference 2023 will be on January 7-9. There is a new venue - King's Park, Northampton. Speakers include Brooks Buser from America and Austin Walker.