The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

10 Countries or Territories Whose Flag Incorporates the Union Jack

  1. Australia (since 1908)  
  2. Fiji  (1902) 
  3. New Zealand (1997) 
  4. Tuvalu (1970) 
  5. Bermuda (1910)   
  6. British Virgin Islands (1960)  
  7. Cayman Islands (1958)_  
  8. Falkland Islands  (1999) 
  9. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (1985)  
  10. Turks and Caicos Islands (1968)  

Midweek Meeting October 3 2024

Things were a little different this week in that we had the opportunity to hear from a North African friend of ours who pastors in  the South of France. We needed to meet on Thursday rather than Wednesday to fit in with his schedule but that increased numbers rather than lowering them, despite having had a members meeting the night before. We were fifteen rather than our usual six or eight. Our friend simply reported on the work and then we prayed for a little while. It was good to have him around (he stayed with us) albeit briefly. He hopes to travel soon to North Africa with friends exploring future possibilities.

Day Off Week 40 2024

More like the usual day off pattern on Tuesday, although early on I had to be at the doctor's for a blood test. When I came back I went to my study in the chapel and threw away another pile of sermons. This time it was handwritten ones and that was hard. During the day I read, had a coffee and looked at today's Times (as it had an obituary for Kris Kristofferson). I also tried to make prgress on this project I have to complete in the month or two. In the evening we watched the first episode of Ludwig with David Mitchell and enjoyed it mostly. Then the itv news and sleep.

Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age Rosaria Butterfield

The Pastors Academy reading group gathered again recently. About ten of us gathered, led by Peter Day, to discuss Rosaria Butterfield's latest tome, Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age. The five lies are as follows
Lie #1: Homosexuality Is Normal (Chapters 1-4)
Lie #2: Being a Spiritual Person Is Kinder than Being a Biblical Christian (Chapters 5, 6)
Lie #3: Feminism Is Good for the World and the Church (Chaoters 7-10)
Lie #4: Transgenderism Is Normal (Chapters 11, 12)
Lie #5: Modesty Is an Outdated Burden That Serves Male Dominance and Holds Women Back (Chapters 13-16)
Like me, several thought the book badly edited and too long, (I even spotted a spelling mistake on page 220 and a grammatical error on page 236). Some thought she has grown rather harsh since previous books. Maybe. While recognising this is a book for American women not British men we thought that it made some excllent points and it led to some good discussion among us, eg on whether women should be submissive in the realm of the state (we all agreed they should be in church and in the home).
It was a nice surprise to see a friend of mine from University days. He has recently retired and someone in the same position he knows invited him (we were in fact four Aber graduates - two slightly older men, a pastor and an elder, now also in the London area). I made some suggestions for the next book to do and we agreed to look at one of them next time - Leonardo de Chirico on Thomas Aquinas. Our chairman (Brad Framnklin) deftly volunteered me to lead. That meeting is January 27, 2025.

Lord's Day September 20 2024

We had a good day last Lord's Day. I was preaching morning and evening. In the morning we looked at the last section of the Sermon on the Mount, such a sobering passage. An added bonus was the presence of the Saywell family, over from the Philippines, where they have known great blessing. Reuben reported and spoke to the children, which made things a bit longer but it was okay. New Iranians continue to come. Not much English. Eleri entertained 22 of us here for lunch. Amazing! In the evening we were back down to 12 or so but it was good to look at 2 Chronicles 4 and learn more aboit the Temple and its lessons.

10 Parallels Betweeen Joseph in Genesis and Jesus

  1. Both are the most loved of their fathers (Joseph, Genesis 37:5-11, Jesus, Matthew 3:17)
  2. Both Joseph and Jesus’ brothers were jealous and did not believe in them (Joseph, Genesis 37:4-5, 11, Jesus, the Jews did not believe in him and hated him, John 7:5, 15:24)
  3. Joseph was sent by his father to his brothers, Jesus was sent by his Father to his brother Israelites (Joseph, Genesis 37:13, 18-20, Jesus, Matt.21:37-3, Mark 12:6-7, Luke 20:13-15, John 5:23)
  4. Both foretold their future sovereignty (Joseph Genesis 37:7-12, Jesus Matthew 26:64; John 18:37)
  5. Both were stripped of their clothes (Joseph, Genesis 37:23, Jesus John 19:23)
  6. Both were sold by one of the 12 named Judah or Judas (Joseph, Genesis 37:26-27, Jesus, Matthew 26:15, 27:9)
  7. Joseph was tempted but did not sin, Jesus was tempted in all things yet was without sin (Joseph, Genesis 39:9, Jesus, Hebrews 4:15)
  8. Joseph was bound, Jesus was bound and brought before Pilate – (Joseph, Genesis 39:30, Jesus, Matthew 27:2)
  9. Joseph’s brothers later repented for what they did to him (Joseph, Genesis 42:7, Jesus, Zechariah 12:10)
  10. Joseph is exalted, and set over all Egypt (41:39-40, 1 Peter 3:22; Philippians 2:9-11)

Prayer Meetings September 2024

We had a series of prayer meetings last week. There were six of these altogether - two early birds meetings at 7.30 am on Monday and Friday, meeting every night Tuesday to Thursday and a final prayer breakfast on Saturday morning at 8 am. The Saturday and midweek meetings were best attended with six or more at all those. In the early morning we were down to two or three. A nominal 11 people attended the meetings (ie 11 different people came at least once). We'll try and have another next February.