The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

10 Shortest Psalms (corrected)

1. Psalm 117 (2 verses)

2. Psalm 134 (3 verses, 49 words AV)

3. Psalm 131 (3 verses, 66 words AV)

4. Psalm 133 (3 verses, 75 words AV)

5. Psalm 123 (4 verses)

6. Psalm 100 (5 verse, 87 words)

7. Psalm 93 (5 verses, 92 words AV)

8. Psalm 15 (5 verses, 103 words AV)

9. Psalm 125 (5 verses, 112 words AV)

10. Psalm 70 (5 verses, 114 words AV)

[Psalm 127 has 5 verses and 116 words;  Psalm 43 has 5 verses and 130 words]


Anonymous said...

this helped me

Unknown said...

this helped me in theology

Unknown said...

Thank you

Unknown said...

Psalm 100 has 5 verses & only 73 words

Unknown said...

It shall help me, my Grandson struggles with English, and he is in grade 4, and extraordinarily loves playing, to the detriment and compromise of school work.


Z. Maraqana, Author: Poems of the Two Centuries, Authorhouse, London.

Anonymous said...

I love God. Praise the Lord with all your heart

Anonymous said...

Thank you this helps me God loves u and he is looking over u today glory to God thx for doing good works for your neighbors

Morgi said...

Yes God bless u and he's looking over u today

Anonymous said...

These verses are so short now i can learn for my sunday school exam thank u

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks a million times this helps me so much as a pastor

Anonymous said...

Thank you and God bless you and give you peace