Saturday was a bit different. One of my Nigerian members was celebrating her sixtieth birthday and recent remarriage. We had a service in church and then a do at a church hall up in Edgware. Occasions like these drive home the cultural differences. We started things half an hour later than advertised and the offering for the church was a swaying very public affair. Most had clothing provided by our hosts. The hymns were all good English ones but we sang a Tsekiri chorus. Later the food was all Nigerian (Tsekeri some of it in particular), many of the garments were the same as was the music (bit too loud for me). Oh yes, and there were gifts for everyone with the occasion recorded on a tag inside (which is a change, they used to put it on the outside; for many years we had a toilet brush holder marking the death of this lady's father!) With so many diverse traditions I get fearful sometimes but it more or less works and the gospel keeps us together. (The pics show at the top my friend first with her son then with her new husband).
The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.
What book am I reading?
Don't look at the tags!
I am reading a novel published in 1927 translated from the German.
What is it? No prizes.
Midweek Meeting January 25 2017
Way behind here but last Wednesday was interesting in that we had three Iranians present, two with limited English. We looked at Psalm 126, carrying on in our series. I think I got it over. I made three points from the psalm 1.
Remember that restoration to the Lord's favour is a great blessing
and brings immense joy 2. Recognise that the great things the Lord did
then should stir us to seek great things again 3. Realise that those
who weep now as they sow will sing with joy when the harvest comes. We had our usual session of prayer too and most people prayed.
Eccentrics 2017

I long ago realised that it is not possible to record everything on this blog I want to and there are times when things just don't get covered. I don't want to let the opportunity to mention the Eccentrics Conference in Swansea go by. For several years now Steve Levy has run this.more recently from the church he pastors in Swansea, Mount Pleasant. I went last year after a bit of a lay off. My records suggest this is only the fourth time I've been. One thing that swung me this time was that I was able to stay with my son who is a student in Cardiff and meet another son who is now pastoring in Aber plus my father-in-law who also came down. I think we were about 40, all men ministering in Wales, apart from myself.

The food as ever was excellent, the fellowship great and the atmosphere very positive. Thanks Steve and all at Mount Pleasant. Your efforts are much appreciated.
Roger the Cook
Strange experience the other night. I woke up thinking about the description of the cook in the Prologue to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. It was the reference to Chiknes and their bones in particular I forgot Chaucer calls them Marybones (Marrowbones). I'm sure it all means something (the dream that is).
To boille the chiknes with the marybones
And poudre-marchant tart and galyngale;
Wel koude he knowe a draughte of Londoun ale;
He koude rooste and sethe and broille and frye,
Máken mortreux and wel bake a pye.
But greet harm was it, as it thoughte me,
That on his shyne a mormal hadde he,
For blankmanger, that made he with the beste.
They had a cook with them (the pilgrims) for the occasion to boil chickens with the marrow bones and spicy merchant powder (s spice mix) and galingale (another spice). He knew a draught of London ale well. He could roast, seethe, broil and fry, make stew and bake a pie well. I thought it was a great shame, however, that he had an (oozing) sore on his chin. He was one of the best at making blancmange (a dessert).
10 Female fronted rock bands
2. Pretenders [Chrissie Hynde]
3. Eurythmics [Annie Lennox]
4. Siouxsie and the Banshees [Siouxsie Sioux]
5. Cranberries [Dolores O'Riordan]
6. Sixpence none the richer [Leigh Nash]
7. Fleetwood Mac (2) [Stevie Nicks]
8. Jefferson Airplane [Grace Slick]
9. X-Ray Spex [Poly Styrene]
10. Yeah yeah yeahs [Karen O]
10 Popular songs not written by the song writing people who sang them
1. Without you by Harry Nilsson was written by Pete Ham and Tom Evans
2. Bette Davis eyes by Kim Carnes was written by Donna Weiss and Jackie DeShannon
3. Hanging on the telephone by Blondie was written by Jack Lee
4. Girls just wanna have fun by Cyndi Lauper was written by Robert Hazard
5. Got my mind set on you by George Harrison was written by Rudy Clark
6. I write the songs by Barry Manilow was written by Bruce Johnston
7. Nobody does it better by Carly Simon was written by Marvin Hamlisch and Carole Bayer Sager.
8. Dazed and confused by Led Zeppelin was written by Jake Holmes
9. Morning has broken by Cat Stevens was written by Eleanor Farjeon usinga traditional tune
10. Nothing compares to you by Sinead O'Connor was written by Prince
2. Bette Davis eyes by Kim Carnes was written by Donna Weiss and Jackie DeShannon
3. Hanging on the telephone by Blondie was written by Jack Lee
4. Girls just wanna have fun by Cyndi Lauper was written by Robert Hazard
5. Got my mind set on you by George Harrison was written by Rudy Clark
6. I write the songs by Barry Manilow was written by Bruce Johnston
7. Nobody does it better by Carly Simon was written by Marvin Hamlisch and Carole Bayer Sager.
8. Dazed and confused by Led Zeppelin was written by Jake Holmes
9. Morning has broken by Cat Stevens was written by Eleanor Farjeon usinga traditional tune
10. Nothing compares to you by Sinead O'Connor was written by Prince
Bunyan on despair
I am going through Pilgrims Progress with the kids on Sunday mornings. Recently we did Christian and Hopeful in Doubting Castle. I was surprised how upfront Bunyan is about suicide. I'd not really seen that before.
... Now Giant DESPAIR had a wife, and her name was DIFFIDENCE; so when he was gone to bed, he told his wife what he had done, to wit, that he had taken a couple of prisoners, and cast them into his dungeon, for trespassing on his grounds. Then he asked her also what he had best to do further to them. So she asked him what they were; whence they came; and whither they were bound: and he told her. Then she counselled him, that when he arose in the morning he should beat them without any mercy: so when he arose, he gets him a grievous crab tree cudgel, and goes down into the dungeon to them, and there first falls to rating of them as if they were dogs, although they gave him never a word of distaste; then he falls upon them, and beats them fearfully, in such sort, that they were not able to help themselves, or to turn them upon the floor. This done, he withdraws and leaves them, there to condole their misery, and to mourn under their distress; so all that day they spent the time in nothing but sighs and bitter lamentations.
The next night, she talking with her husband about them further, and understanding that they were yet alive, did advise him to counsel them to make away with themselves. So when morning was come, he goes to them in a surly manner, as before; and perceiving them to be very sore with the stripes that he had given them the day before, he told them that since they were never like to come out of that place, their only way would be, forthwith to make an end of themselves, either with knife, halter, or poison: "For why," said he, "should you choose life, seeing it is attended with so much bitterness?" But they desired him to let them go; with that he looked ugly upon them, and rushing to them, had doubtless made an end of them himself, but that he fell into one of his fits; for he sometimes in sunshine weather fell into fits, and lost (for a time) the use of his hand; wherefore he withdrew, and left them (as before) to consider what to do. Then did the prisoners consult between themselves, whether it was best to take his counsel or not: and thus they began to discourse.
Christian. "Brother," said CHRISTIAN, "what shall we do? the life that we now live is miserable: for my part I know not whether is best—to live thus, or to die out of hand. ‘My soul chooses strangling rather than life’ (Job 7:15); and the grave is more easy for me than this dungeon. Shall we be ruled by the Giant?"
Hope. Indeed our present condition is dreadful, and death would be far more welcome to me than thus for ever to abide; but yet let us consider, the Lord of the country to which we are going hath said, "Thou shalt do no murder," no, not to another man’s person. Much more, then, are we forbidden to take his counsel to kill ourselves. Besides, he that kills another can but commit murder upon his body; but for one to kill himself, is to kill body and soul at once. And, moreover, my brother, thou talkest of ease in the grave; but hast thou forgotten the hell, whither for certain the murderers go? "for no murderer hath eternal life." And let us consider again, that all the law is not in the hand of Giant DESPAIR; others, so far as I can understand, have been taken by him as well as we, and yet have escaped out of his hand: who knows but that God who made the world may cause that Giant DESPAIR may die that, at some time or other, he may forget to lock us in?—or, but he may in a short time have another of his fits before us, and may lose the use of his limbs? And if ever that should come to pass again, for my part I am resolved to pluck up the heart of a man, and to try my utmost to get from under his hand. I was a fool that I did not try to do it before; but however, my brother, let us be patient, and endure awhile; the time may come that may give us a happy release; but let us not be our own murderers.
With these words HOPEFUL at present did moderate the mind of his brother; so they continued together (in the dark) that day, in their sad and doleful condition.
Well, towards evening, the Giant went down into the dungeon again, to see if his prisoners had taken his counsel. But when he came there, he found them alive; and truly, alive was all: for now, what for want of bread and water, and by reason of the wounds they received when he beat them, they could do little but breathe. But I say, he found them alive; at which he fell into a grievous rage, and told them that, seeing they had disobeyed his counsel, it should be worse with them than if they had never been born.
qAt this they trembled greatly; and I think that CHRISTIAN fell into a swoon; but coming a little to himself again, they renewed their discourse about the Giant’s counsel, and whether yet they had best to take it or not. Now CHRISTIAN again seemed to be for doing it; but HOPEFUL made his second reply, as follows:
Hope. "My brother," said he, "rememberest thou not how valiant thou hast been heretofore? APOLLYON could not crush thee; nor could all that thou didst hear, or see, or feel, in the Valley of the Shadow of Death. What hardship, terror, and amazement, hast thou already gone through—and art thou now nothing but fear? Thou seest that I am in the dungeon with thee, a far weaker man by nature than thou art! Also, this Giant has wounded me as well as thee, and hath also cut off the bread and water from my mouth; and with thee I mourn without the light: but let us exercise a little more patience. Remember how thou playedst the man at Vanity Fair, and wast neither afraid of the chain nor cage, nor yet of bloody death; wherefore let us—at least to avoid the shame that becomes not a Christian to be found in—bear up with patience as well as we can."
Now night being come again, and the Giant and his wife being in bed, she asked him concerning the prisoners; and if they had taken his counsel? To which he replied, "They are sturdy rogues; they choose rather to bear all hardship than to make away with themselves." Then said she, "Take them into the castle yard tomorrow, and show them the bones and skulls of those that thou hast already dispatched; and make them believe, ere a week comes to an end, thou also wilt tear them in pieces, as thou hast done their fellows before them."
So when the morning was come, the Giant went to them again, and took them into the castle yard, and showed them as his wife had bidden him. "These," said he, "were pilgrims as you are, once, and they trespassed’ in my grounds, as you have done; and when I thought fit, I tore them in pieces; and so within ten days I will do to you: go, get you down to your den again!" And with that he beat them all the way thither. They lay, therefore, all day on Saturday in a lamentable case, as before.
Now when night was come, and when Mrs. DIFFIDENCE, and her husband the Giant, were got to bed, they began to renew the discourse of their prisoners; and withal the old Giant wondered that he could neither by his blows nor counsel bring them to an end. And with that his wife replied: "I fear," said she, "that they live in hope that some will come to relieve them; or that they have picklocks about them; by the means of which they hope to escape." "And sayest thou so, my dear?" said the Giant; "I will therefore search them in the morning." ...
10 Names for John or similar in Welsh
1. Ioan
2. Iwan
3. Sion
4. Ifan
5. Iefan
6, Iefen
7. Evan
8. Ianto
9. Owen*
10. Owain*
* These names have Celtic roots rather than Hebrew one and are included here only because of this ridiculous obsession with 10 that cripples the writer of this blog.
2. Iwan
3. Sion
4. Ifan
5. Iefan
6, Iefen
7. Evan
8. Ianto
9. Owen*
10. Owain*
* These names have Celtic roots rather than Hebrew one and are included here only because of this ridiculous obsession with 10 that cripples the writer of this blog.
10 things that are secret and 10 that are revealed
The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law. Deuteronomy 29:29
1. We do not know what will happen tomorrow and beyond but we do know that God knows and he is in control
2. We do not know when Christ will return but we do know that he is coming agai
3. We do not know who are the elect but we know they exist and we do know what elect people tend to be like after they are converted
4. We do not know how God can be sovereign and yet man is responsible but we do know both are true and we are responsible to the sovereign God
5. We do not know why one person is suffering and not another but we do know that there is a reason why a person is suffering or not suffering and God knows it
6. We do not know how God can be three and yet one or how Jesus can be both God and man but we do know that these things are true
7. We do not know how God created the world and sustains it day by day but we do know that he is the Creator and that he is in control
8. We do not know many things but we do know that everything is for God's glory and we must live with that end in view always
9. We do not know why God saves some but not others but we do know that all who trust in him are saved
10. We do not know how gloriously wonderful heaven will be or how horrible hell will be but we do know that we must reach the one and escape the other and that comes about through faith in Christ
10 Christian Paradoxes
A paradox is a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained proves to be well founded or true.
1. We Christians worship the God who is one and yet who is three
2. We Christians worship Christ who is the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15)
3. We Christians see unseen things (2 Corinthians 4:18)
4. We Christians have become wise by becoming fools (1 Corinthians 3:18)
5. We Christians are saints and yet we are also sinners
6. When we Christians are weak then we are strong (1 Corinthians 12:10)
7. The greatest of us Christians is the servant of all (Matthew 20:27)
8. We Christians have humbled ourselves in order to be exalted (Matthew 23:12)
9. We Christians have saved our lives by losing them (Mark 8:35)
10. We Christians have died so that we may live (Romans 6:4)
I searched all around
A little premillennial and Arminian in places and the video uses a pic I wouldn't but good stuff on the whole.
10 Middle Names of 19th and 20th Century Reformed Theologians
This was suggested by a friend recently. Thanks for the idea. You can do this as a quiz if you are so inclined.
1. Breckinridge 1851-1921
2. Dick 1856-1930
3. Wistar 1870-1937
4. Henley 1812-1862
5. Petigru 1827-1888
6. Walkington 1886-1952
7. Williamson 1803-1886
8. Bouke 1886-1966
9. Grey 1895-1960
10. Joseph 1907-1968
(Benjamin B Warfield, Robert D Wilson, Caspar W Hodge, James H Thornwell, James P Boyce,
Arthur W Pink, John W Nevin, Rienk B Kuiper, Donald G Barnhouse, Edward J Young,)
(Aidan Wilson Tozer, John Albert Broadus and Robert Lewis Dabney just missed the cut. J Gresham Machen always used his middle name so is not such a good example.)
Lord's Day January 22 2017
The last Lord's Day was quite encouraging in more than one way. The first thing was that I had not had a great couple of days beforehand in some ways (my wife was a way in Aber, etc). Paradoxically, such a preparation period means you can put no confidence in the flesh at all come Sunday, which should be the case even after a brilliant week but tends not to be the case.
Another factor was a full congregation in the morning and not too bad a one in the evening. In the morning there were at least seven visitors of various sorts plus the return of two newcomers from last week and two or three shows from folk who are not always there. We also had Nigerians, Filipinos, Koreans, Iranians, etc, present as well as Western Eurpeans (no Eastern Europeans, sadly).
I also preached well from Galatians 5:1-15, a seminal passage, and Matthew 12:15-21 (the prophecy of a quiet and gentle Saviour from Isaiah 42). The other feature of the day was that after last Sunday's problem we decided to give up on hymn boards and just rely on what is written on the notice sheets,which threw some but is the shape of things to come. After the evening meeting I headed to my sister's in South Wales but more of that anon.
Midweek Meeting January 18 2016
I forgot to put up a note about our last midweek meeting. Numbers are quite low at present (seven I think we were last Wednesday). I am carrying on through the Songs of Ascent (Psalm 125 it was last time) which are quite short s I am being quite brief. At least this leaves adequate time for prayer, although that is briefer with so few there. I took my title this time from the new book by Steve Nicholls "A time for confidence". My points were - 1.
Be confident and believe this promise of strength and safety for all
who trust in the Lord 2.
Be confident and believe this promise of escape for the oppressed
people of God 3. Be confident and believe this promise of good for
all who do good and are upright in heart
10 US Presidents who died before their predecessor (s)
1. 3rd President Thomas Jefferson (died 12:45 PM on July 4, 1826)
Five hours and fifteen minutes before 2nd President John Adams (died 6:00 PM on July 4, 1826)
2. 5th President James Monroe (died July 4, 1831)
4 years, 360 days before 4th President James Madison (died June 28, 1836)
3. 7th President Andrew Jackson (died June 8, 1845)
2 years, 260 days before 6th President John Quincy Adams (died February 23, 1848)
4. 9th President William Henry Harrison (died April 4, 1841)
4 years, 65 days before 7th President Andrew Jackson (died June 8, 1845)
6 years, 325 days before 6th President John Quincy Adams (died February 23, 1848)
21 years, 111 days before 8th President Martin Van Buren (died July 24, 1862)
5. 10th President John Tyler (died January 18, 1862)
187 days before 8th President Martin Van Buren (died July 24, 1862)
6. 11th President James K. Polk (died June 15, 1849)
12 years, 217 days before 10th President John Tyler (died January 18, 1862)
13 years, 39 days before 8th President Martin Van Buren (died July 24, 1862)
7. 12th President Zachary Taylor (died July 9, 1850)
11 years, 193 days before 10th President John Tyler (died January 18, 1862)
12 years, 15 days before 8th President Martin Van Buren (died July 24, 1862)
8. 14th President Franklin Pierce (died October 8, 1869)
4 years, 151 days before 13th President Millard Fillmore (died March 8, 1874)
9. 15th President James Buchanan (died June 1, 1868)
1 year, 129 days before 14th President Franklin Pierce (died October 8, 1869)
5 years, 280 days before 13th President Millard Fillmore (died March 8, 1874)
10. 16th President Abraham Lincoln (died April 15, 1865)
3 years, 17 days before 15th President James Buchanan (died June 1, 1868)
4 years, 146 days before 14th President Franklin Pierce (died October 8, 1869)
8 years, 297 days before 13th President Millard Fillmore (died March 8, 1874)
(Also 40th President Ronald Reagan (died June 5, 2004)
2 years, 204 days before 38th President Gerald Ford (died December 26, 2006)
12 years, 229 days before 39th President Jimmy Carter (still living))
Gloves J Jigging Gloves
Factor List
1. The B-factor or Debye–Waller factor (DWF), named after Peter Debye and Ivar Waller, is used in condensed matter physics to describe the attenuation of x-ray scattering or coherent neutron scattering caused by thermal motion.It has also been called the B factor or the temperature factor. Often, "Debye-Waller factor" is used as a generic term that comprises the Lamb-Mössbauer factor of incoherent neutron scattering and Mössbauer spectroscopy.
2. The F-factor, in diagnostic radiology, is the conversion factor between exposure and absorbed dose. In other words, it converts between the amount of ionisation in air (roentgens or coulombs/kg) and the absorbed dose in tissue (rads or grays). The Fertility factor (first named F by one of its discoverers Esther Lederberg) allows genes to be transferred from one bacterium carrying the factor to another bacterium lacking the factor by conjugation.
2. The F-factor, in diagnostic radiology, is the conversion factor between exposure and absorbed dose. In other words, it converts between the amount of ionisation in air (roentgens or coulombs/kg) and the absorbed dose in tissue (rads or grays). The Fertility factor (first named F by one of its discoverers Esther Lederberg) allows genes to be transferred from one bacterium carrying the factor to another bacterium lacking the factor by conjugation.
3. The g-factor (also called g value or dimensionless magnetic moment) in Physics is a dimensionless quantity that characterises the magnetic moment and gyromagnetic ratio of an atom, particle or nucleus. It is essentially a proportionality constant that relates the observed magnetic moment μ of a particle to its angular momentum quantum number and a unit of magnetic moment, usually the Bohr magneton or nuclear magneton.
4. The K-factor can refer to many different things but in transportation engineering it refers to the proportion of annual average daily traffic occurring in an hour.
5. The P-factor, also known as asymmetric blade effect and asymmetric disc effect, is an aerodynamic phenomenon experienced by a moving propeller that is responsible for the asymmetrical relocation of the propeller's centre of thrust when an aircraft is at a high angle of attack. This shift in the location of the centre of thrust will exert a yawing moment on the aircraft, causing it to yaw slightly to one side. A rudder input is required to counteract the yawing tendency.
6. The Q Factor of a bicycle is the distance between the pedal attachment points on the crank arms, when measured parallel to the bottom bracket axle.
7. The U-factor or U-value is the overall heat transfer coefficient that describes how well a building element conducts heat or the rate of transfer of heat (in watts) through one square metre of a structure divided by the difference in temperature across the structure.
8. The X-factor is now a hard-to-describe influence or quality; an important element with unknown consequences. Originally it referred to the dangers for people in the military that civilians do not face, for which they receive payment,
9. The Y-factor method is a widely used technique for measuring the gain and noise temperature of an amplifier. It is based on the Johnson-Nyquist noise of a resistor at two different, known temperatures.
10. The Z-factor is a measure of statistical effect size. It has been proposed for use in high-throughput screening (where it is also known as Z-prime and commonly written as Z') to judge whether the response in a particular assay is large enough to warrant further attention.
10 words that are more or less the same in every language
1. Mama
2. Coffee
3. Banana
4. Taxi
5. Telephone
6. Okay
7. Spam (as in unwanted email)
8. Huh
9. Hallelujah
10. Amen
2. Coffee
3. Banana
4. Taxi
5. Telephone
6. Okay
7. Spam (as in unwanted email)
8. Huh
9. Hallelujah
10. Amen
Simply Good News
We had another session of the Theological Study Group at the John Owen Centre on Monday. The book was Tom Wright's Simply Good News (not to be confused with another work of his with the word simple in the title). I have read very little N T Wright but know enough to have approached the book cautiously.
Apparently this work is a good introduction. Ideas such as that "the kingdom of God is for earth now," "the gospel is the key moment in a story," "resurrection is about bodies," "something has happened," and "fundamentalists and liberals are both missing the point" are well known themes. The book has many good features - nicely written, broad brush strokes opposed to over-simplification. However, there were one or two oddities in there and a tendency to caricature those he attacks (chiefly fundamentalists but evangelicals too). The style leads to unsustainable generalisations and is rather light on sin.
It is not a book one could recommend to most people. It was interesting in our group that the more people had read of Wright the more against him they appeared to be. We could not really think of an alternative book doing the same sort of thing.
Next time we are going for something by another Tom - Tom Schreiner's Faith Alone - The Doctrine of Justification: What the Reformers Taught ... and Why It Still Matters in The Five Solas series. Do think about coming along if you can.
All's up for Tommy Allsup
Waylon Jennings, Buddy Holly, Tommy Allsup
Tommy Allsup, the American guitarist best known for losing a coin toss that kept him off the plane that crashed killing rock 'n' roll stars Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and JP "Big Bopper" Richardson, has died at 85.
Singer and musician Austin Allsup said his father died on Wednesday at a hospital in Springfield, Missouri, due to complications from a hernia operation.Tommy Allsup was the first guitarist to play solo on a Buddy Holly recording and has been previously hailed by Sir Paul McCartney as one of the finest guitarists in the world.Tommy Allsup was part of Buddy Holly's band when the Texan singer died in the 1959 plane crash near Iowa.
Allsup flipped a coin to see if he or Valens would get a seat on the plane, and lost.Austin Allsup said his father took losing the coin toss as a blessing and was humbled to be connected to "such a monumental moment in music history"."I know my dad has talked about that many times and knew that he was very lucky to be here. It could have been the other way around," his son said.
In a 1987 interview, Tommy Allsup recalled flipping the coin backstage after playing a concert. "A couple of people were standing there," he said. "I flipped it. (Valens) called, 'Heads'. He got his stuff off the bus." Another entertainer who was left off the plane was the country music star Waylon Jennings, who was also playing with Holly's band at the time. Jennings died in 2002.
An obituary in The Time said a silver dollar was used for the coin toss. Allsup's first wife had it made into a belt buckle.
Lord's Day January 15 2017
We made an unusually shaky start Sunday morning. First someone 'phoned me to check the time of the service, not that unusual I suppose. It was followed a short while later by a couple stood outside the church 'phoning me to know if we were actually meeting at 11 am.
We do have a system where someone arrives early to steward but he was ill and we had not arranged a proper substitute. As a church we are not very good at getting there early anyway so when I arrived the first people in were the three newcomers.
People started arriving shortly after that and we seemed to have ourselves sorted out by 11 am. We began with a hymn and that is where we became slightly unstuck again. We still use hymn boards as well as a notice sheet and I tend to look at the boards for hymn numbers. And so I announced the first hymn from there. When I got to the page I saw we had sung it the week before but I was a bit slow to realise that it was the opening hymn from last Sunday evening. Anyway I was then aware of that all the hymns on the boards were wrong and so after we finished I removed them from the walls.
So not a great start but we got on okay after that. We were in the final verses of Galatians 4 which are not easy but I think we got somewhere. Our visitors were a young Korean lady and a local man and his girlfriend who is looking for a church with better teaching. Hopefully we haven't put them off.
Numbers were own a little bit now students have gone back. We had communion in the evening followed by a second sermon on the Sabbath question from Matthew 12, this time on works of mercy.
Generation Gap Tweets
Generation gap -
Me: In the seventies one of the most famous singer songwriters was Cat Stevens
My son (18): I've heard of her
Generation gap bridged -
Me: What bands have you seen at the O2?
My son (22) Red Hot Chili Peppers and Arctic Monkeys
His Taid: The hottest and the coolest!
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