In the afternoon we went to see the Simpsons Movie (see here). We were in two minds about this although in the end it turned out to be a not too offensive gag movie. It was quite funny, although I did nod of once or twice. A movie like this has no room for character development and the surreal approach means the plot lacks tension. The scene where the people rush from the bar to the church in a crisis and a vice versa was well observed though I did not quite appreciate the swipe at intelligent design. I think it is a mistake to try and analyse it too much. The boys enjoyed it.
On such a sunny day it was good to be out in the sun some of the time too. Any way they're arriving back from Mold must dash.
You saw that in Aber? I thought the big movie there this summer was Jurassic Park.
As with other provincial places, the Commodore has a bad reputation - undeserved in this case. (Mind you, if I break leg tomorow I'll be straight on the train to Shrewsbury).
I love this review...'the plot lacks tension' IT'S THE SIMPSONS MOVIE!
great use of language. Brought a smile to my face, nice one pop.
Rhodri, I hope these As in English & Drama are not going to your head. It was meant to be a an explanation not a revelation. Fair point, however. ;-)
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