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John Lewis Brent Cross today - no need for this |
The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.
Lion King
Cinema is cheaper on Mondays than other days so we took advantage and the three of us headed off this week to see the new Lion King. Disney are currently engaged in a plan to remake in sort of live action form all their cartoons. This is the first I've seen and I thought it was okay. It's still not live action. Apparently the opening shot is the only live action shot in the movie.
Rather than slavishly follow the original script they have shown some flexibility which seems wise. Perhaps the main problem is that it is not likely that the new film will outstrip the original. It is simply a different form of the previous one, something like a remake. Often it is as good sometimes, other time the task is impossible (how can anyone top Rowan Atkinson's original Zazu?).
Lord's Day July 28 2019
Really good Lord's Day. I am tempted to wonder if things are improving. Of course, there were plenty of people missing for reasons good and bad and we were rather a small number at the start of the morning service but lots of encouragements too. Three women were there who have begun to attend more recently and it was good to talk to them and get to know them a bit better. It was good to have a local family present who almost never come to us. I also had a good chat with someone who attends but is unconverted but edging closer, I hope. We have at least three apparently unsaved people who regularly attend with family members. I preached from 2 Peter 1:21 in the morning. It is good to be covering such ground, as basic as it is. In the evening we carried on in Matthew 26, Gethsemane this time, You are bound to feel you failed with such a subject but I tried hard. One factor in the evening was the presence of a whole family, including three younger children and a Venezualan lady from Galicia in Spain who is a believer but has no English (she is the first person I have met who used her phone to translate - speaking into it in Spanish and letting it speak in English).
Day off week 30 2019
I did take a formal day off last week and want to record it to encourage myself and other ministers to take it seriously. I chose Thursday, which turned out to be the hottest day of the year, etc. As we are now in the holiday season I spent the morning preparing for Sunday as I had rather frittered parts of the first three days of the week. The day was then dominated by two activities. First, I went with Eleri down to the Hilton on Park Lane for tea. This is not our usual patter. This was a kind gift from members of the church who arranged it in celebration of my turning 60 this year. Getting there was tough in the heat but then we sat in the lovely and cool lobby at the Hilton and then went into their Podium restaurant where we enjoyed open sandwiches, scones, beautiful cakes, tea and a champagne alternative. Very nice indeed. We then headed home and binge watched most of the BBC drama Keeping Faith. Can't recommend this to everyone due to the swearing but it is an amazingly good drama on its own terms. In Faith Howells they have created a very real flawed but attractive figure who is compelling. The supporting cast are brilliant too. The drama is recorded in Welsh and in English. My Welsh is insufficient to enjoy it. Eleri tells me, however, that because the Welsh one needs to be shorter to allow for S4C adverts there are minor plot differences, which is always interesting. Good day then.
10 New names for London Underground Stations
2. Swiss Hottage
3. Kilburns
4. Charredwing Cross
5. Sprayswater
6. Hotting Hill Gate
7. Templeture
8. Furn'cechurch Street
9. Searsden
10. Sultry Docks
Midweek Meeting July 24 2019
Despite the heat it was great to see eight of us (eventually) gathered to pray and to look at God;'s Word. We began with Psalm 131 - very brief but full of good stuff. We then discussed what to pray. Always loads - health, visa, an asylum application, people in danger, people in need, people struggling, old friends and new, babies coming sooner and later, a new PM, Sunday sermons, Beach missons, camps, etc, etc. A priviege to be there once again.
Lord's Day July 21 2019
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I felt it was a very good day yesterday. I seemed to be able to pray well, which is not always the case I confess and the preaching was clear and to the point I hope. The only hiccough was missing the second hymn in the morning but that is not big deal (I had listened to most of the Keswick meeting on Radio 4 that morning and thought there was too much singing and not enough time for the "talk" as they called it, perhaps it was an unconscious protest on my part). Numbers were not great in the morning or evening - it's that time of the year. However, it was nice to have an old Filipina friend with us and another who hope to come regularly in future plus a local Nigerian lady who came for the first time last week. It was also to see a fomer Muslim member back after several weeks missing owing chiefly to a family crisis. In the morning we were saying goodbye to the Saywells who have been with us during their time at Childs Hill. We will miss them. Reuben is going to be working in Maidenbower Baptist. We had communion before the evening service and then I preached on Matthew 26:30-35 to ten people. The sermon was chockful with illustrations which we were all happy about I think. I recently started a sermon illustration blog, which may grow to a decent size. See here.
There is a yellow themed party here in Aber this afternoon.
One makes the effort. Happy birthday Sibyl!
When I was 5
We're helping our oldest grandson celebrate his fifth birthday.
I remember what I had when I was five in 1964 - a Triang two wheel scooter.
I should add that I remember being in the kitchen of what was then our new home and seeing the scooter still in parts in its cardboard box. My dad then put it together. I am now 60 and my dad is long dead but there is an unfading picture in my head of being 5 and watching the scooter appear at my father's hands. He has set eternity in ourhearts.
I should add that I remember being in the kitchen of what was then our new home and seeing the scooter still in parts in its cardboard box. My dad then put it together. I am now 60 and my dad is long dead but there is an unfading picture in my head of being 5 and watching the scooter appear at my father's hands. He has set eternity in ourhearts.
Midweek Meeting July 17 2019
We did something unusual for us last night - we combined our church members meeting and midweek meeting. There are snags with doing that and we have avoided doing it before now. Anyway seven of met to kook at Psalm 134 and then to pray. This was followed by the members meeting. We still managed to finish by 9.35 so pretty good. Psalm 134 is a great psalm. We had not looked at it before.
That controversial St Augustine quote

I acknowledge my transgression, says David. If I admit my fault, then you will pardon it. Let us never assume that if we live good lives we will be without sin; our lives should be praised only when we continue to beg for pardon.
But men are hopeless creatures, and the less they concentrate on their own sins, the more interested they become in the sins of others. They seek to criticise, not to correct. Unable to excuse themselves, they are ready to accuse others.
This was not the way that David showed us how to pray and make amends to God, when he said: I acknowledge my transgression, and my sin is ever before me. David did not concentrate on others’ sins; he turned his thoughts on himself. He did not merely stroke the surface, but he plunged inside and went deep down within himself. So he did not spare himself, and therefore was not impudent in asking to be spared.
Do you want God to be appeased? Learn what you are to do that God may be pleased with you. Consider the psalm again: If you wanted sacrifice, I would indeed have given it; in burnt offerings you will take no delight. Are you then to be without sacrifice? Are you to offer nothing? Will you please God without an offering?
Consider what you read in the same psalm: If you wanted sacrifice, I would indeed have given it; in burnt offerings you will take no delight. But continue to listen, and say with David: A sacrifice to God is a contrite spirit; God does not despise a contrite and humble heart.
Cast aside your former offerings, for now you have found out what you are to offer. In the days of your fathers you would have made offerings of cattle – these were the sacrifices. If you wanted sacrifice, I would indeed have given it. These then, Lord, you do not want, and yet you do want sacrifice.
You will take no delight in burnt offerings, David says. If you will not take delight in burnt offerings, will you remain without sacrifice? Not at all. A sacrifice to God is a contrite spirit; God does not despise a contrite and humble heart.
You now have the offering you are to make. No need to examine the herd, no need to outfit ships and travel to the most remote provinces in search of incense. Search within your heart for what is pleasing to God. Your heart must be crushed. Are you afraid that it might perish so? You have the reply: Create a clean heart in me, O God. For a clean heart to be created, the unclean one must be crushed.
We should be displeased with ourselves when we commit sin, for sin is displeasing to God. Sinful though we are, let us at least be like God in this, that we are displeased at what displeases him. In some measure then you will be in harmony with God’s will, because you find displeasing in yourself what is abhorrent to your Creator.
10 Beatles songs featuring handclaps
1. Eight days a week
2. I wanna hold your
3. Hold me tight
4. I saw her standing
5. All yiiu need is
6. I'm looking through
7. It's all too much
8. I'll get you
9. Here comes the sun
10. All together now
Lord's Day in Bradford on Avon
I was preaching last Lord's Day in Bradford on Avon. It was a full day as they begin with Sunday School where I gave my paper on John Cennick (this time entitled The Apostle of Wiltshire). I preached on Ephesians 2:8-10 and Isaiah 42:8. It was good to be there. We know quite a few there to some extent including the previous pastor Robert Oliver and his wife Rachel. We also know the present pastor, Robert Strivens. He an his wife were with us 10 years before moving there. It is an ageing congregation but faithful and prayerful. One oddity is that we had lunch with Eleri's sister and family. With several others they no longer belong to Bradford but worship in a new church in nearby Hilperton (where I have also preached in the past). Not all the issues that led to this state of affairs have been fully resolved or seem likely to be, sadly. It was good to be there, nevertheless. The sermons are currently on the church website. Reuben Saywell was preaching here.
10 White Horses Observable in the South of England
- Uffington White Horse Oxfordshire 1000 BC
- Westbury White Horse Wiltshire 1778
- Cherhill White Horse Wiltshire 1780
- Marlborough White Horse Wiltshire 1804
- Osmington White Horse Dorset 1808
- Alton Barnes White Horse Wiltshire 1812
- Hackpen White Horse Wiltshire 1838
- Broad Town White Horse Wiltshire 1864
- Pewsey White Horse Wiltshire 1937
- Devizes White Horse Wiltshire 1999
East Tytherton
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Maud Heath's causeway, Wilts |
E Tytherton Moravian Church |
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Maud Heath Monument |
Maud Heath Monument on the causeway |
We were in Wiltshire last weekend and so on the Saturday I took opportunity to visit East Tytherton near Chippenham. I knew about the place through my studies of John Cennick. He put the headquarters of the Moravian church there. The current buildings are 18th century ut later than Cennick's time. The other thing in the area is a causeway financed in Mediaeval times by one Maud Heath. We saw the causeway itself and two monuments to her.
On the smaller monument from 16 it says
"To the memory of the worthy Maud Heath of Langly Burrell Widow who in the year of Grace 1474 for the good of travellers did in Charity bestow in Lands and houses about Eight pounds a year for ever to be laid out on the Highways and Causey leading from Wick Hill to Chippenham Clift. This piller was set up by the feoffees in 1698. Injure me not."
On the larger monument from 1838, which overlooks the Chippenham flats, it says
'Thou who dost pause on this aerial height
Where Maud Heath's Pathway winds in shade and light
Christian wayfarer in a world of strife
Be still and consider the Path of Life.
It is sundial and there other inscriptions on three sides. On the side of the dia, facing the rising sun, the passenger is called on, generally, to remember the fleetness of the passing moment - Tempus volat (time flies). On the side fronting the meridian sun is the inscription to remind us Dum tempus habemus, Operemur bonum (while we have the time let us do good). The inscription fronting the setting sun, addressed to the evening traveller, is redibo tu nunquam (you will never return).
As Latn declined English words were added thus on the three sides
Haste, traveller, the sun is sinking now - He shall return again - but never thou.
Life steals away. This hour. oh man, is lent to thee. Patient to work the work of him who sent thee.
Oh early passenger, look up - be wise. And think how, night and day, time onward flies.
In the other direction one can see a white horse in the hillside (Cherhill?).
More on our current weird world
This time see this Spiked article here on the student kicked out of university because he expressed the view that homsosexuality is wrong.
Midweek Meeting July 10 2019
So last Wednesday we looked at the final two verses of James. There's quite a lot in there and we spent some time on it before we came to our time of prayer. It has been good to gothrough James once again, such a searchig and practical book.
Day off Week 28 2019
This week is a bit different and so I took Monday off, the traditional ministers' day off. I took opportunity to head down to Benjamin Franklin's House near Charing Cross. Like most of these places, there is not that much to see and you have to use your imagination. However, it was in this very parlour that Franklin entertained American ambassadors, on these very stairs he carried his dumb bells and before these very windows he would parade naked to dry himself after his bath. They also have a glass armonica, his invention, the very one used for the Harry Potter music. The man who showed us round, American, was quite knowledgeable but not pushy. Sadly, it was only me and a couple from Texas present. After that I kept up the American theme and had a burger in a Five Guys round the corner. A seventies theme was playing out on the music system so after listening to Thin Lizzy we had the whole of Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven (the subject of our tract last Saturday). That was nice. Through the day I read most of Penelope Fitzgerald's masterful The Gate of Angels. I also managed my 10,000 steps for once. Watched some TV in the evening.
10 Benjamin Franklin Inventions
2. Bifocals
3. The glass armonica
4. The Franklin stove
5. The library stepstool, a chair whose seat could be lifted and folded down to make a short ladder.
(Also a mechanical arm for reaching books on high shelves)
6. The rocking chair
7. The writing chair
8. The odometer
9. A pulley system that enabled him to lock and unlock his bedroom door from his bed
10. The flexible urinary catheter.
(Also a mechanical arm for reaching books on high shelves)
6. The rocking chair
7. The writing chair
8. The odometer
9. A pulley system that enabled him to lock and unlock his bedroom door from his bed
10. The flexible urinary catheter.
Lord's Day July 7 2019
We began as we do each month with communion. we were not a great number at that point, although it picked up a little. Lots away, mainly due to sickness. We took two texts again - 1 John 4:16 and the love of God and Ephesians 2:18 and prayer. I found it easier with the second than the first for some reason. We were a decent number in the evening (I think we have persuaded some oncers to be twicers [in fact thricers]). It was a bit different as Sajida Iqbal who came to us for the first time last year was around and she spoke again about the amazing work in Pakistan that is being done through education. I found what she had to say very stimulating. More about Noor Ministries on their Facebook page here.
A busy week
I've struggled a little this week partly possibly due to a busy week. (Eleri was the busy one rather than me to be truthful. She works two days a week and spent one day in Macclesfield at the new Go Teach offices). I gave the paper on Proverbs on Monday to about 17 of us, all eager to hear and to ask questions. Good time. In the evening we went to see Toy Story 4 which was good (nice to see a reference to conscience in there, even if only as the pretext for a joke). It is great that there are still one or two films we can all see together.
I've reported on Tuesday, my day off. Wednesday I was out with the other ministers walking across Hampstead Heath. About six of us were present. Good times. Rest of the day went on preparing and then leading the Midweek meeting.
We should have had an officers meeting on Thursday evening but that God postponed. Otherwise the main thing has been preparing for the Lord's Day. I've also started reading Penelope Fitzgerald's The gate of angels (a kind birthday gift from friends). (I had intended writing a post called a month of celebration marking the way my May 22 birthday tumbled into June with a lovely barbecue organised by friends for me and another church member. I was given books, ties and other gifts)
This morning (Saturday) we were out giving tracts in Golders Green. There were five of us. That was good to do again. Otherwise the busyness has just been with visitors - two sons and their wives at different times going to different weddings and two friends with each couple. In the first case the friend is relation from America. She, her friend and Gwion (our son) have travelled to France for the world cup. We are hoping for three extra at church tomorrow then.
Westminster Conference Papers 2018 now out
Last year's papers have now been published. They begin with Paul Wells' clear and fair minded introduction to Amyraldianism. This is followed by Geoff Thomas on A W Pink urging us to love Pink despite his evident failures. Then comes Phil Arthur's paper on the Great War and modern Christianity. The fourth paper is James Eglinton's on Herman Bavinck and the fifth Jeremy Walker's on John Owen and the Person of Christ. Last but by noe mans least is Nigel Graham on David Brainerd.
Midweek Meeting July 3 2019
We were down to six on Wednesday but we all prayed aloud and it was a happy time. We were looking at James 5:13-17 (almost at the end then). There are some controversial verses here. We would see the prayer of faith as a prayer offered in faith not a prayer that you know will be answered a certain way. We are happy to anoint with oil (ceremonially) and pray over any seriously sick, if asked. There is nothing here about last rites or auricular confession.
Day off week 27 2019
I made the mistake last Tuesday of not having much of a plan for the day. As I think I've mentioned before, even free time needs to be organised for it to work. I had planned to read a book but it was not quite what I thought it was so that did not work out. I did go out fora coffee and back here I did some blogging on the various blogs and some tidying and one or two jobs that needed doing. In the afternoon my friend Chris phoned and we had a good chat. I was able to put his mind to rest regarding two songs going round his head (There is a mountain by Donovan and Joy to the world by Three dog night so I'm useful for something). He also had bad news,which coupled with other recent bad news regarding Christian ministers was rather depressing to hear. In the evening I watched England USA in the women's world cup.It was disappointing to see England lose, especially with a missed penalty (their disallowed goal was clearly offside).
Lord's Day June 20 2019
We were a good number once again this last Sunday. I decided to look at two proverbs because Proverbs was on my mind, although I don't think that made much difference. We looked at Proverbs 18:10 in the morning, on Chriist the strong tower to to run to and then at the fact a righteous man may fall five times and yet he rises again. There are many in the church or connected with it facing troubles at this time. I hope this was a help. There was a new lady present and another turned up after the morning service was over. I hpe she comes next week.
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