We had a zoom midweek meeting as usual last Wednesday with a decent number and a good prayer meeting. We enjoyed looking at 1 Chronicles 20, which is fascinating both for what is included and what is excluded (ie David's adultery and murder).
The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.
Midweek Meeting February 24 2021
We had a zoom midweek meeting as usual last Wednesday with a decent number and a good prayer meeting. We enjoyed looking at 1 Chronicles 20, which is fascinating both for what is included and what is excluded (ie David's adultery and murder).
Day Off Week 8 2021
There was a bit of to-ing and fro-ing to Wales on weeks 5 and 7 and so my latest formal day off has been this last week, on Tuesday 23rd. There was time to get a coffee and have a short walk and there was some TV in the evening. The main thing, however, was reading two short items. First a small book on the doctrine of humanity by David McKay and then the latest edition of John Newton's Diary, that of 1765, which also led to some blogging on my Beddome blog. I'll try and properly review David McKay's A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Humanity Created and Re–created again but I am very positive. In fact the whole series looks good. The edition of the diary was great too. (I have mentioned the 1764 edition somewhere before now I would think). By the way the Newton is A4 and around 20 pages, the McKay is a lot smaller and about 108 pages.
Wales win triple crown
Amazingly Wales have won the triple crown with their win over England today 40-24. It is true that some of the tries were controversial but you can't argue a 16 point margin!
Still Available
This is just a reminder that the book is still available. I had a lovely note from someone who has been using it, recently.
"Just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you for your little book ‘pastoral for pastors.’ ... it has been a real life saver. It has helped me refocus and regain perspective on the call to the ministry and its priorities.
It’s a really lovely and unique little book. ..."
I wish we could get it out to more pastors.
Another fine lunch time lecture at the Library
We had another excellent lecture in our lunch time series today on Zoom, It was most gratifying to see some 45 screens or so tuned in. The lecture was from Dr Robert Strivens on Stephen Charnock and his massive work on the Doctrine of the Nature and Attributes of God. It was a very helpful and stimulating survey and we are very thankful to Robert for his good services. This is the second lecture of the current series, the previous one being from Norman Hopkins on the missionary Alfred Saker. Audio copies can be obtained from the Library. We hope to reproduce a text version of today in the next In Writing. The third and final one of the series will be from myself on the fascinating Robert "Troublechurch" Browne on March 22. Do contact the Library nearer the date for the details of how to log on. Apologies to anyone not able to log on for today's one. PS The Library is currently closed.
PS The lecture is also available on DVD at £5 (There are slides, you don't have to look at Robert all the while!)
Lord's Day February 21 2021
Sunday morning was a bit different. I have been doing this series on things to meditate on and one of the things is God's Works. I said something about water as an example and then I took four or five passages of Scripture where animals are mentioned and drew out lessons from this places - ie Job 38-40, Daniel and Jonah in their respective books, Proverbs 30 and Matthew 10:16. We were again around 12 in the chapel but many more listening in on Zoom. In the evening it was Zoom only when I preached on the next story in Luke 5 (verses 17-34). We also had a visit from Robin Asgher a former member, working in West London church planting and ministering in Detention Centres in the area. Amazing stuff going on. What needs. Great day.
10 Exotic Thrones
- Dragon Throne of the Emperors of China
- Chrysanthemum Throne of the Emperors of Japan
- Phoenix Throne of the Kings of Korea
- Peacock Throne of the Mughal Empire
- Sun Throne of the Persian Empire
- Lion Throne of the Dalai Lama of Tibet
- Lion Throne of the Kings of Burma
- Tiger Throne of Tipu Sultan of the Sultanate-i-Khudadad
- Golden Throne of Bhutan
- Silver Throne of the Monarchs of Sweden
Midweek Meeting February 17 2021
Midweek meeting was a little bit different this week in that we took a break from 1 Chronicles to look at Psalm 142 and allowed a little longer for chatting before we prayed. Numbers were a little down perhaps but we had a good time of prayer. The next evening I met with the other two church officers (again on Zoom) in preparation for a members meeting next Thursday.
Lord's Day February 14 2021
Way behind here but last Lord's Day we had a surprisingly good number (for these times) in the chapel, just creeping into double figures, despite some regulars being absent. I decided to do a one off from Matthew 6 - Eight reasons not to worry. I had been thinking it through for someone I know and thought we could all benefit at this time. I managed to come up with eight Ps that should remind you of the salient points with some facility. In the evening, it was zoom only, carrying on in Luke with Luke 5:12-16. We also had a virtual visit from our friend Andrzej Kempcinski in Legionowo, Poland, which was good.
Great Start for Wales
So Wales have won their first two games in the Six Nations. It is true that against Ireland and now against Scotland this was against 14 men but in both cases it was the result of foul play. Really enjoyed today's game.
Midweek Meeting February 10 2021
On zoom once again this week. We spent some time looking at 1 Chronicles 19 and then had our time of prayer. Numbers are not as good as they have been perhaps but still nearly twenty.
10 Popular Songs based on words of Scripture (more or less)

- Turn Turn Turn (Ecclesiastes 3) The Byrds, etc
- The Lord's my Shepherd (Psalm 23) Judy Collins
- Psalm 33 (Psalm 33) Sinead O'Connor
- "40" (Psalm 40) U2
- Hineimatov (Psalm 133) Miami Boys Choir
- Rivers of Babylon (Psalm 137) The Melodians, Boney M (Also Don McClean)
- The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6) Sister Janet Mead
- The Millennium Prayer (Matthew 6) Cliff Richard
- While Shepherds watched (Luke 2) Bing Crosby
- The four horsemen (based on Revelation 6) Aphrodite's Child
(There is also Awake, awake by Steeleye Span, very much based on Song of Solomon)
Lord's Day February 7 2021
Just six or seven of us to start the first Lord's Day of the month with communion. We were about double that for the main service with a good number listening in on Zoom. I did a Lloyd-Jones and kept my overcoat on (as he often would in his later ears), it was so cold. I did another in the series on things to meditate on, namely the four last things. There was a lot of material. I smuggled in some 18 points - don't tell anyone. In the evening it was all on zoom. Carrying on with Luke's Gospel we looked at Chapter 5:1-11 and that went well. We were joined by Andrzej Kempcinski from Legionowo in Poland (where it was -11 degrees on Sunday). He keeps very cheerful despite the many difficulties. It was good to hear from him again, stirring us up to pray.
Midweek Meeting February 3 2021
We were on zoom this week again, looking at 1 Chronicles 18. Our numbers were a little down and some people seemed reluctant to lead in prayer. With a shorter study than usual and under half an hour of prayer we were finished by 9 pm, whereas we normally go on at least another quarter of an hour.
Day Off Week 5 2021
I forgot to include this update so I have backdated to where it should be. The main thing on Tuesday February 2 was reading this new book by Carl Trueman that people have been talking about. it's a 400 page book and I made quite dentin it and have subsequently finished it. It is well written (except that Trueman thinks LGBQT+ is an acronym, where as it is an initialism) and gives a philosophical framework to help us understand what we are up against when we are are confronted by modern thinking. There is a lot to get through just to get that far but Trueman does it well, never being boring or recondite. The reading for just this one book must be massive. We should be thankful to God for such a helpful handbook. Just today I saw in my newspaper that down in Brighton they are advising midwives to refer to chestfeeding rather than breastfeeding and human milk rather than breastmilk. This issue an others raised in this book are going to be with us for some time to come.
Lord's Day January 31 2021
We are still behind here we confess. Last Lord's Day it was our usual current pattern of a meeting at the chapel in the morning with a zoom option and then at 6.30 pm the zoom only. In the morning we continued with our series on subjects on which to meditate with something on the fourfold nature of humanity. We were only eight in the chapel so it was not easy. In the evening we were at the end of Luke 4, Luke 4:31-44 looking at Jesus miracles and especially his preaching and praying. It was a good day.
Evangelical Library Lecture Monday January 25 2021
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