So no-one biting then? Well, it was Guernsey. Yes, I've just spent the last few days in the Channel Island of Guernsey, with my friends the Yerbys. It was my third trip to the island, which is a haven of quietness. Robert was church secretary when I first came to Childs Hill. Elaine is a native Sarnian and when living in London proved impossible and Slough proved a slough of despond they looked to a life on the island where they have happily lived these many years bringing up their four (now teenage) children.
They belong to La Villiaze Evangelical Congregational Church pastored by Walter Chapman. The church is small but faithful, quite conservative (AV, suits) but outgoing. See here.
It was the church's 191st anniversary and I preached on the Thursday night (Ezekiel 37) and at both services on the Sunday (John 3.16; Christian freedom). I also joined them on the Saturday for their meal at The Farmhouse where I was given opportunity to say a few words more informally.
In between times I did a little exploring of the island with Walter and then Robert, which included some walking, some drinking of coffee, some museums, meeting Walter's parrot Caleb again and attending an auction in St Peter Port, something I'd not really done before. I also had time to read - especially the two volume Life of Daniel Wilson. It was quite gratifying to read of when he arrived in Guernsey when I was actually there!
Travel and leisure and preaching are all tiring but what lovely time. I am thankful to God, to those who made it such an enjoyable time and to my church and family who are always very good about such things.
Hmmm. That looks like an ideal holiday church. 2009 Jersey and Guernsey tour, methinks.
(We have a Pastor from Jersey who preaches for us once each summer on his mainland 'holiday'!)
Sorry, Gary.
I'd have had a go but Pat's unwell and so I haven't had time to spit, let alone read your excellent and worthwhile blogue.
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