One unmentioned penchant is the novels of John Grisham. Some years ago we stayed in a house that had a collection of novels by John Grisham and I read The Testament partly for its religious content (Grisham has a Southern Baptist background). I enjoyed it and being obsessive I went on to read most of his other novels. I'm slightly behind at present (I've missed the factual one and the non-legal Playing for Pizza one but have read the others). I recently read his latest novel The Appeal which is written in his usual easy undemanding style but raises interesting issues regarding Christians and involvement in politics. it traces the machinations that lead to changes on the Mississippi Supreme Court so that an evangelical Christian comes to power. Grisham's own liberal Baptist agenda intrudes a little but it is a thought provoking piece and good fun. The final line is very good - "now that he had three billion, he really wanted six." For more on Grisham see here. The line "His extended vacation from hard-hitting fiction is over" sounds about right for me. More here.
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