"People say I'm like a river - cos I'm never standing still". That's a line from an old ATF hit. No-one's ever said I'm like a river but I do feel like one sometimes. Life is so busy at times. Today (Thursday) hasn't been so bad but yesterday I had three meetings - two in old people's homes that I take fortnightly plus our regular midweek meeting in the church, where we looked at the first commandment from Deuteronomy 5. Work with old people is not easy especially the second lot where there is little sign of comprehension. There are some encouragements though. The other week a lady from Monserrat prayed beautifully when asked. Then this week a Jewish man asked why it is called Good Friday and I directed him to Isaiah 53 which he seemed not to know. In between the two meetings I was reading the Raymond Franz book I have mentioned. I saw two JWs on the corner so I showed them what I was reading - although they didn't want to know. Just then a Jewish lady turned up. She's always giving me things. She had a load of kosher soap in her car, which she said could be used in the church. I didn't even know soap could be kosher!
The day before (Tuesday) had been quite busy too. I'd forgotten that I'd arranged to meet the LIP church planters down in Covent Garden. I remembered in time to get there late. We have a regular pastoral meeting where we can discuss things. Then in the evening we had a rather poorly attended Christianity Explored meeting and a better attended planning meeting for the Holiday Bible Club we hope to have in April.
The day before (Monday) I was down at the Evangelical Library to hear Professor Helm's talk on Packer's "Fundamentalism" and the Word of God. I discovered that I do have a copy but unread. It first came out in 1958 and I guess I was advised to get a copy (mine was printed in the USA in 1977) by someone in the previous generation. It is a stout defence of Reformed theology which was very much under attack at the time in connection with the Billy Graham meetings. Professor Helm felt that Packer probably hadn't shifted in his theology but certainly has in his tactics and approach. We had a decent number there. It's me next month on Baxter's Call to the unconverted. Anyway must dash, I'm taking a church member to hospital now. He's in for a day or two.
Hi Gary,
Busy indeed! I trust that in the midst of all your flurry you'll know God's perfect peace, in all its gloriously river-like wonder!!!!
I'm intrigued by the Covent Garden work. I was in London for two days last month and was praying for you, and for all of God's servants as I went around the centre of the city. In Covent Garden I spoke with one of the Open Air Mission workers who was giving out tracts outside the Tube station. I was so glad to see such a fearless witness amidst so much that is not of God. Is there a fledgling work in that area? I would love to be able to pray for it specifically.
God bless,
The London Inreach Project which I chair was set up to plant churches in inner London over 20 years ago now. Progress has been extremely slow. Two churches have been planted but they are currently contracting back to one. See here for info - http://www.cgec.org.uk/ We are currently looking for a new worker to replace our current third worker who leaves in August. Anyone there in Ulster come to mind?
Thanks for the link, Gary, I'll look forward to having a wee look through that.
There are a number of students in College seeking God's will for future service. Is there any further info I could make known among them about the role?
God bless,
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