I was not able to be at the final meeting this morning as I was lecturing on the cults up in Welwyn. We had similar numbers to the last two days, I hear, as we completed the story of Paul's first missionary journey and made glove puppets, etc. Tonight we had a number of parents in for prize giving and the final session. We gave away over £50 worth of books mostly on Saul's conversion for the younger ones and on William Wilberforce for the older ones. We were able to clear up fairly quickly after with many willing hands. What a good week. We trust that we may see fruit from it in due time.
Someone's put the letters on the mural in the wrong order! We designed the colour scheme and it was supposed to be in rainbow colours, something like red, orange, yellow, light green, dark green, blue, indigo, purple...
And all the effort we put into it too...
Looks good though in general :-)
Kids, eh? I wondered what had happened
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