- Caravan The Rosenberg Trio 1994
- From the Basement Jan Akkerman 1984/1998
- Signs of Change After the Fire 1978
- Focus Live at the Rainbow Focus 1973
- Reflections Thijs van Leer 1981
- Ekseption 0.004 Ekseption 1971
- Abbey Road The Beatles 1969
- Direct Vangelis 1988
- Show Some Emotion Joan Armatrading 1977
- Karine Polwart's Scottish Songbook Karine Polwart 2019
- Mother Focus Focus 1975
- Public Service Broadcasting Inform-Educate-Entertain 2013
- Blues Hearts Jan Akkerman 1994
- Introspection 4 Thijs van Leer 1977
- The White Album The Beatles 1968
The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.
365 Albums 196-210
10 Biographies Recommended by John Wesley
- Joseph Alleine
- John Calvin
- Bernard Gilpin
- William Whitaker
- John Donne
- George Herbert
- Archbishop Usher
- John Howe
- Philip Henry
- John Eliot
10 Fictional Ships
- Dawntreader (Voyage of)
- Pequod (Moby Dick)
- Hispaniola (Treasure Island)
- The Unicorn (TinTin)
- The Poseidon
- SS Patna (Lord Jim)
- HMS Thunder Child (War of the Worlds)
- Jolly Roger (Peter Pan)
- African Queen
- Nautilus (20,000 leagues under the sea)
Lord's Day July 26 2020
Great day Sunday. We began with communion at the chapel for members. I think we were about 8 or 9. I read the first part of the communion hymn by Horatius Bonar and then read from part of Luke 22. I focused on verse 15 where Jesus says I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. One of my deacons has bought a thousand small plastic communion cups (made in China I notice). He set out a number of these on a table, some with grape juice in and some with a small piece of bread in. People picked them up as they came in and then at the appropriate point we ate and drank. We closed with me reading the second part of Bonar's hymn.
After short break, after others joined us, we had our main morning service. We were 16 this week so we are slowly rising in numbers. I preached a one off on Luke 11:13. We began and ended with a hymn provided by EMW played over speakers while we sang in a mumble. Others joined us on zoom.
In the afternoon we had some people over to the house - quite a novelty. In the evening it was Zoom again looking at the final verses of Joshua 8. We also had an update from Eduardo Lemos, our member who heads, with his wife Anna Marzia, to Brazil next week to work with a church near Sao Paulo.
Midweek Meeting July 22 2020
Just to note that we did have our usual Midweek zoom time again last Wednesday night. We took a break from 1 Chronicles to begin a short series on Romans 8:28. I just focussed on how the good things work for the good of believers this time - the easy bit. As usual these days we were able to pray and numbers were decent. Good time.
10 Final Works in John Wesley's Christian Library
These from the remaining volumes of which there appear to be thirty
- The Holy War by John Bunyan
- A Gospel Glass by Lewis Stuckley
- The Saints Everlasting Rest by Richard Baxter
- Extracts from the Works of Stephen Charnock
- Extracts from the Works of Edward Reynolds
- The WOrks of Archbishop Tillotson
- Extracts from the Works of John Flavel
- The Living Temple by John Howe
- Nicodemus, or, A Treatise on the Fear of Man by August Hermann Francke
- Some thoughts concerning the present revival of religion in New‑England by Jonathan Edwards
10 More Works in John Wesley's Christian Library
These are all in Volumes 11-17
- Memorial of godliness and Christianity by Hubert Palmer
- The whole duty of man by William Law
- Extracts from the works of Robert Sanderson
- Thoughts by Blaise Pascal
- The great duty of self-resignation to the divine will by John Worthington
- Extracts from Bishop Ken
- Alarm to the unconverted by Joseph Alleine
- The Shorter Catechism
- Letters of Samuel Rutherford
- The Works of Hugh Binning
10 Works in John Wesley's Christian Library
The first ten volumes of Wesley's Christian Library included these works
- Johan Arndt's True Christianity
- John Foxe's Book of Martyrs
- Extracts from the works of Robert Bolton
- Extracts from the works of John Preston
- Extracts from the works of Richard Sibbes
- Extracts from the works of Isaac Ambrose
- Extracts from the works of Thomas Goodwin
- Extracts from the works of Thomas Manton
- Extracts from the works of Nathaniel Culverwell
- Extracts from the works of John Owen
Lord's Day July 19 2020
10 Places In England
- Week (Devon)
- Lordsbury (Surrey)
- Sunbury (on Thames)
- Malmesbury
- Tewkesbury
- Wednesbury
- Thornbury
- Finsbury (Park)
- Salisbury
- Bury
10 Valley words

- Vale
- Dale - a valley, especially in northern England
- Dell - a small valley, usually among trees
- Combe - a short valley or hollow on a hillside or coastline, especially in southern England
- Gorge - a narrow valley between hills or mountains, typically with steep rocky walls and a stream running through it
- Glen - a narrow valley, especially in Scotland or Ireland.
- Gully - a ravine formed by the action of water
- Gulch - a narrow and steep-sided ravine marking the course of a fast stream
- Ravine - a deep, narrow gorge with steep sides
- Strath - a broad mountain valley
(Also dingle, canyon, pass, clough, etc)
Midweek Meeting July 15 2020
10 Works of fiction Penelope Fitzgerald
- The Golden Child (1977)
- The Bookshop (1978)
- Offshore (1979)
- Human Voices (1980)
- At Freddie's (1982)
- Innocence (1986)
- The Beginning of Spring (1988)
- The Gate of Angels (1990)
- The Blue Flower (1995)
- The Means of Escape (2000)*
*Short stories the others are all novels. I've read most of them.
Day Off Week 29 2020
Lord's Day July 12 2020
365 Albums 181-195
- Renaissance Thijs van Leer 1986*
- Watermark Enya 1988
- Ghost Kate Rusby 2014
- New beginning Tracy Chapman 1995
- O my love! Thijs van Leer 1975
- My people were fair ... Tyrannosaurus Rex 1968
- Minor Details Jan Akkerman 2011
- Presence Chuck Loeb 2007
- alterum Julie Fowlis 2017
- Meditation Tony Soctt ft Jan Akkerman 1977
- Force Majeure Tangerine Dream 1978
- Albedo 0.39 Vangelis 1976
- Sergeant Pepper The Beatles 1967
- A Day Without Rain Enya 2000
- Piano Portraits Rick Wakeman 2017*
Midweek Meeting July 9 2020
Day Off Week 28 2020
Blog of the Week 17
Benjamin Francis 1734-1799
Benjamin Francis came from Wales
But he soon spread his sails.
First he went to Bristol College
To increase his knowledge
Then pastored a church in Horsley
For years - over forty!
He preached sermons, wrote elegies,
And words for melodies.
This blog was started in April 2016 and is about the 18th century Baptist Benjamin Francis, a pastor and hymn writer who grew up in Wales. There are 50 posts by now. The hit count is low - about 2300. It can be found here. Most popular post on the blog is the second part of a piece on John Heskins one of the deacons at Shortwood, Gloucestershire, where Francis ministered. You can find it here.
Lord's Day July 5 2020
I had hoped we might be back in the chapel last Sunday but we were not and so it was the same routine as in past weeks 10 am Zoom singing, then a recorded service (see our website for a link to YouTube) at the optimal time of 11 am. I preached on 2 Corinthians 5:11-13 on preaching. On Sunday evening we zoomed and I preached on Joshua 6. We also had opportunity to hear from our friends in the South of France and about the work there. We have had two newcomers joining us quite regularly in recent weeks. They were there again. One of them has a similar background to our visiting speaker and it was good to hear them chat. (Sorry this is late).
10 Heads of State and politicians who have had Covid-19
- Prince Charles
- Boris Johnson
- Prince Albert of Monaco
- Jair Bolsonaro
- Michel Barnier (EU Brexit negotiator)
- Nuno Gomes Nabiam (PM Guinea Bissau)
- Juan Orlando Hernández (President Honduras)
- Mary Louise MacDonald (Leader of the Opposition Sinn Fein Ireland)
- Mikhail Mishustin (PM Russia)
- Ali Larijani (then-speaker of the parliament of Iran)
Midweek Meeting July 1 2020
Day Off Week 27 2020
Blog of the Week 16
Some old Jokes
Hey folks, here are some jokes,
You know it's not a hoax.
I hope that no-one chokes
As my blog some joy provokes
This blog was started in April 2017 and is a repository for old jokes (as the title suggests). I like jokes but am not very good at remembering them unless I get a good trigger. There are over 100 entries and so well over a hundred jokes. The hit count is low - about 1700. It can be found here. (Go on - you know you want to). Most popular post on the blog is a Trappist monk joke I heard years ago You can find it here. Any suggestions for material would be appreciated. One day I will have a look at humour in the Bible, perhaps.
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