I noticed the other week that Dale Ralph Davis has a new book out, iGod's Rascal. This is on Genesis 25-35 and is on the Jacob material there. It is a companion to the previous volume on Genesis 12-25 looking at the Abraham material, Faith of our Father. I was a little disappointed with the material on Luke but this is a return to form. It is the usual scholaly yet popular formula that we have come to expect. Really worth getting hold of.
The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.
Midweek Meeting October 26 2022
Having finsished Philippians I thought we would so a few psalms, psalsm I have no record of preaching before. Last Wednesday it was Psalm 38. We were about ten again and there was plenty to pray about. Good time.
Day Off Week 43 2022
Last week's day off I more or eless divided between a book on freemasonry that is one in a series of pocket essentials that I am working my way through at the moment and a binge on a Nordic detective drama Wisting. (Such dramas are not really recommended in that they oontain some unhelpful matter but I find the language barrier takes the sting out of most of it). I managed to get out of the house a bit too.
Godly Conversation
After a long, long break the Theological Reading Group that is under the umbrella of The Pastors Academy met under the chairmanship of Brad Franklin to look at the book Gdly conversation by Joanne J Jung. The book is a converted PhD thesis subitled rediscovering the Puritan practice of conference. Five of us gathered. It would have been nice to have more. We agreed that the book has some peculiarites, most due to the demands on PhD students but the basic point that conversation under God can be a means of grace was accepted and it would be good to do what can be done to promote that idea. We plan to meet again in January to look at Mex McConell's doorstopper The Least, The Last, and The Lost.
Lord's Day October 23 2022
Last Lord's Day there were a few away and hardly any children but we were supplemented by visiting friends both morning and evening (university friends and a minister and his wife). I preached from Luke again in the morning on the Pharisees and Experts in the Law and in the evening on Job 4 and 5. We had a nice afternoon with two ladies in the congregation, one making a flying visit from France where she is living this year.
10 People who would come to our front door when I was a child
People tend notto communicate by knocking people's doors these days but when I was a boy all sorts of people would call, including
- Milkman
- Baker (ours was called Ken)
- Insurance man (we were with the Pru')
- Rentman (although we began paying it in town early on)
- Betterware man (they sold brushes, etc)
- Pools coupon man (my dad was a keen participant)
- Avon lady (selling perfumes, cosmetis, etc)
- Newspaper boy (Sunday papers were paid for through him)
- Pop man (ie fizzy drinks from a lorry)
- JWs (we took the WatchTower and Awake regulalry, the latter is not bad in some ways)
(Evangelists would occassionally call, Gypsies selling heather and giving curses if they thought it appropriate, Bob a job from time to time from the Scouts, Penny for the Guy on occasion - no trick or treat though, Provident cheque lady (a job my mum did), Rag and bone man - he didnt actually call at the door but would shour from the street, etc)
MIdweek Meeting October 19 2022
We came to the end of our current studies in Philippians on Wednesday. It has been good to go through it again. The hakf term drift away has begun but we were till ten or so on zoom. It was good to hear our newest member lead well in prayer. Still on zoom.
10 Anti-war songs 1961-1973
- 1961 "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" Pete Seeger
- 1964 "With God on Our Side" Bob Dylan
- 1964 "Universal Soldier" Buffy Sainte-Marie
- 1965 "Eve of Destruction" Barry McGuire
- 1966 "7 O'Clock News/Silent Night" Simon & Garfunkel
- 1969 "Fortunate Son" Creedence Clearwater Revival
- 1969 "Give Peace a Chance" Plastic Ono Band, John Lennon
- 1970 "War" Edwin Starr
- 1971 "Yours Is No Disgrace" Yes
- 1973 "Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)" George Harrison
Hugh Laurie et al
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Not taken by me Beard shorter now |
10 sphincters in the human body
- Upper esophageal sphincter (UES)
- Lower esophageal sphincter (LES)
- Pyloric sphincter (connects stomach and intestine)
- Sphincter of Oddi (at the exit of the bile duct and pancreatic duct into the duodenum)
- Ileocecal sphincter (situated at the junction of the ileum, at the end of the small intestine and the colon, at the beginning of the large intestine).
- Pupillary sphincters (eyes)
- orbicularis oculi (eyelids)
- Urethral sphincter
- Inrernal anal sphincter
- External anal sphincter
Affinity Book Launch Westminster
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Phil Swann, Graham Nicholls |
Last Monday I attended a book launch at the House of Commons. We met in the Jubilee Room off Westminster Hall. The meeting was kindly facilitated by the MP for Lewisham East Janet Daby. The book is called Challenging Leaders and you can find more here. We were about twenty I guess and I knew a few but many were not known to me. We were given snacks and a presentaion, includinga section with Phil Swann from Llanelli who has conr=tributed to the book. Part of the idea is to set up a website where things can be taen further. Always nice to be at the centre of power.
10 Things preaching does according to Archbishop Grindal
In a letter to Queen Elizabeth I (who wasn't very keen on preaching) on December 20, 1576, Edmund Grindal wrote
By preaching of God's Word
- The glory of God is enlarged
- Faith is nourished
- Charity increased.
- The ignorant is instructed
- The negligent exhorted
- And incited
- The stubborn rebuked
- The weak conscience is comforted
- All those that sin of malicious wickedness are threatened with the wrath of God
- Due obedience to Christian princes and magistrates is planted in the hearts of subjects (for obedience proceedeth of conscience; conscience is grounded upon the Word of God; the Word of God maketh his effect by preaching. So as generally, where preaching wanteth, obedience faileth.)
Lord's Day October 2022
Lots away due to covid and other things last Sunday but plenty of encouragements. A young man who has been planning to come to us for a while made it for the morning sermon and in the evening, during communion, we welcomed in a new member. Also the lady who was coming in the mornings but whose son has joined a Sunday morning football team came again in the evening but without the children who fell asleep last week. The sermons from Luke 11 and Job went well. The morning sermon was quite short and we were over within the hour. After the morning service was over a strange man joined us and ate cake. We have met him before. In the evening a man was there but left as the sermon was about to start. However, towards the end of the sermon another man arrived. Hope we see them both again for the whole service. Teh fields are whitr to harvest but there ar emany barriers.
10 Knights of the roundtable
I re-read a book recently on the Holy Grail (see here) that prompted this. (I also watched the Monty Python film which I had never seen)
- Bedivere, Bedevere (W: Bedwyr, F: Bédoier Bedevere) Returns Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake; brother to Lucan.
- Bors the Younger Son of Bors the Elder, father of Elyan the White; Arthur's successor in some versions.
- Caradoc (L: Caractacus W: Caradog Freichfras, Caradoc Strong Arm French: Carados Briefbras E: Carados of Scotland) Rebelled against Arthur when he first became king, but later supported him. Sometimes two characters: C the Elder (a king) and C the Younger (a knight).
- Galahad Illegitimate son of Sir Lancelot and Elaine of Corbenic; the main achiever of the Holy Grail.
- Gareth (Beaumains) A son of King Lot and Morgause; in love with Lyonesse.
- Gawain (L: Walwanus, W: Gwalchmai, I: Balbhuaidh) Another son of King Lot and Morgause; father of Gingalain.
- Kay (W: Cai, L: Caius) Ector's son, foster brother to Arthur.
- La(u)ncelot (Lancelot du Lac, Lancelot of the Lake) Son of King Ban from France, most famous for his affair with Queen Guinevere, father of Galahad, most prominent Knight of the Round Table in later romances
- Percival, Perceval (W: Peredur G: Parzifal) Achiever of the Holy Grail; King Pellinore's son in some tales.
- Lucan (Sir Lucan the Butler) Servant to King Arthur; Bedivere's brother, Griflet's cousin.
Day Off Week 41 2022
Last week I took my day off on Saturday as we were all down in Cardiff for the second birthday of my grandson Gruff. We travelled down on Friday and stayed with my son Dyland and bis wife Cat. On Saturday we had a little celebration at my sister-in-law's house for Eleri's dad, fresh back from America, and 84 years old on the day. He's not 100% but isokay for a man of that age. The main event was in the church, a party mainly for Gruff who had turnned two earlier in the week. People from both Dylan and Cat's family were there (loads of kids) including my sister. We had a great time. We then had chips nefore heading back home, arriving around 10 pm.
Midweek Meeting October 12 2022
On Wednesday we looked at the penultimate part of Philippians. It has been good to go through it again. We had a decent number present and a good time of prayer once again.
Dr Lloyd-Jones Memorial Lecture 2022
It was great to hear the Dr Lloyd-Jones Memorial Lecture from Dr Peter Williamd of Tyndale House last night. He spoke very helpfully on Jesus as a preacher, bringing many useful things to light. I guess there were about a hundred or so there. You can hear more or less what Dr Williams had to say on five YouTube videos, the first of which is found here. (These include questions at the end which we did not have last night),
Lord's Day October 9 2022
A good number in the morning as we looked at Luke 11:29-32. A new lady came who we know from mothers and toddlers and in another connection too, as it turned ouot. We then had lunch together, which is always a nice thing to do. In the evening we were very few and struggled to sing the first hymn as we had no pianist. We started a new series on Job looking at the man himself.
10 Lollipop Songs
- My Boy Lollipop - Millie Small
- Good ship lollipop - Shirley Temple
- Lollipop, lollipop - The Chordettes
- Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows - Leslie Gore
- Lollipop - Mika
- Lollipops - Mike Manders and The Shut Up
- The Lollipop Tree - Burl Ives
- Lollipop Man - Sweet
- Lollipop Girl - Derrick Harriott
- The Lollipop Guild - "The Munchkins"
Midweek Meeting October 5 2022
About ten of us gathered on zoom for this week's prayer meeting and a Bible Study from Philippian 4:9. As ever, a good time. We were praying about an evangelistic event planned for the next day, among other things.
Day Off Week 40 2022
The main thing today was reading little book on St George by Giles Morgan. About ten years ago I bought a little bundle of hardback books on various such subjects but I haven't ade much of dent in them. I enjpyed the journey from ancient history through to Bob Marley and David Beckham. I did some of my reading in the Swis Cottage Library - outside dn then inside. - where I've not been for a while. Had a good chat wth a Jewish man who was there. Watched some TV in the evening.
Lord's Day October 2 2022
Last Lord's Day was a full one with several different things going on. First there was ccommunion and then the morning service where we took a harvest theme - Galatians 6:7-10. We were a decent number, including the return of the person who came last week and a new face part way through the sermon. In the afternoon we gathered for tea at 5 pm. We then listened to Sajda Iqbal talking about the amazing work of Noor Ministries in Pakistan. I then preached on Hebrews 4:12. So a long day but a good one I hope.
Recent Deaths of Faithful Pastors
Over the last three weeks at least three faithful ministers of the Lord have gone to their reward. I believe Achille Blaize died back in mid-August and then Walt Chantry died on September 9. Peter Beale died on September 24 and his funeral is on October 13. Each of these men lived to a good age.
I also understand that Gordon Hoppe who ran the Christian Bookshop in Pratts Bottom and was involved in many other aspects of Christian work has died.
Midweek Meeting September 28 2022
Another well attended and encouraging zoom time last Wednesday evening. First we looked at Philippians 4;8 then shared items for prayer and prayed. A good time of drawing near ti the Lord.
Day Off Week 39 2022
I spent much of the day last Tuesday reading a book on London parks by Hunter Daviees that I picked up half price the day before. In the afternoon I watched a 1957 desert island romantic comedy The Admirable Cirichton starring Kenneth Moore. Rather dated now it was an interesting watch much of the time. I then headed to Acton Central where my wife collected me. We had been invited for a meal out with my esteemed father-in-law and his wife. Three out of the four of us (not me) celebrate birthdays in September and October so it was a good excuse to celebrate. Lovely meal.
Affinity Meeting 2022
A little while ago I recevied a communication from Affinity, an umbrella organisation that we belong to as a church. The email informed me that now they are a cio they were obliged to hold an annual meeting and I was invited to attend either in person or online. It seemed like an obvious thing to attend - and in person as it was being held in North London not far from where I live (at the Highbury Centre). Anyway, I went along last Monday and as it turned out I was the only one to turn up in person apart from the committee! There were also eight online. (In the deep and distant past I served on the BEC committee that predates this one). It was good to hear Graham Nicholls and others reporting on the various activities (finance, Foundations, the coming theological conference, media opps, etc). I knew several of the committee and enjoyed meeting more of them. They even stood me a meal, which was kind. Affinity is a great idea and it was good to touch base afresh.
BTW theyve just revamped their website. Check it out here.
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