The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culturehere. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.
Bloggy man 42
There's many a true word spoken in jest.
No, I don't really mean it, but that poem at the top right has got to go.
Pa were eiddo arall egnïon hoffi yna? Dydy da enghraifft chan beth happens pryd awenyddion brofi at arfer caleda dafodieithoedd gyfryw Saesneg at datgan ddwfn ddrychfeddyliau.
Evan, Alan knows me of old so can judge a little. If I tried to poeticise in Welsh I'd do even worse. I did write a Welsh poem once long ago (Alan amy correct the grammar). Oes dau air am popeth gyda hi Ond does dim gair am fi (She has two words for everything but not a word for me). PS Evan what machine are you using?
Well I see that frightful poem is still there so I thought I would supply an alternative for you to use. He we go:
This blog's not for pietistic purists, Or those who think church is all there is, For although it's got hymns, And that kind of thing, It's also got obscure Dutch guitarists.
John - I feel honoured. You've got the flavour of the thing there. The Institutes and now this - amazing. Tom - fear not but keep your eyes peeled. Evan - I mean how are these things being translated?
Wrth gwrs, areithia i mewn Cymraeg, feddylia i mewn Cymraeg, breuddwydia i mewn Cymraeg. Eto ddealla ddigon Saesneg at darllen ddy blog heb chyfieithiad beiriant.
There's many a true word spoken in jest.
No, I don't really mean it, but that poem at the top right has got to go.
Oh no ! I think that's one of Gary's finer efforts.
Thanks for the compliment JC. You are willing to call it a poem! Thanks Alan, too. It sort of fitted the mood.
Good to see Bloggy and Calvin both back in action. Have you still got that last bloggy idea I sent you lined up for publication to the world?
Pa were eiddo arall egnïon hoffi yna? Dydy da enghraifft chan beth happens pryd awenyddion brofi at arfer caleda dafodieithoedd gyfryw Saesneg at datgan ddwfn ddrychfeddyliau.
Evan, Alan knows me of old so can judge a little. If I tried to poeticise in Welsh I'd do even worse. I did write a Welsh poem once long ago (Alan amy correct the grammar). Oes dau air am popeth gyda hi Ond does dim gair am fi (She has two words for everything but not a word for me). PS Evan what machine are you using?
Hen IBM NetVista yn hidlo Ffenestri 2000
Well I see that frightful poem is still there so I thought I would supply an alternative for you to use. He we go:
This blog's not for pietistic purists,
Or those who think church is all there is,
For although it's got hymns,
And that kind of thing,
It's also got obscure Dutch guitarists.
Not bad eh?
John - I feel honoured. You've got the flavour of the thing there. The Institutes and now this - amazing. Tom - fear not but keep your eyes peeled. Evan - I mean how are these things being translated?
Feel free to use it if you like - I haven't had anything published in years.
Oh no, I just scrolled down the page and looked at your iPod list. I can't believe it. The Partridge Family! The Partridge Family!!!
Will look out for it! Hopefully see you on Sat.
Wrth gwrs, areithia i mewn Cymraeg, feddylia i mewn Cymraeg, breuddwydia i mewn Cymraeg. Eto ddealla ddigon Saesneg at darllen ddy blog heb chyfieithiad beiriant.
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