The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

Gordon J Murray and Paul Bevan

We hear that Gordon J Murray is now with the Lord, which is far better. I did not know Mr Murray well, although I have come to know his son Andrew over the years. Mr Murray was one of the older generation of preachers whowere on the scene when I first entered ministry. I knew of him through the seminary and he kindly preached for me one church anniversary a long time ago. He seemed to wear a constant smile and was very appriachable. I alos preached once for him over in Felixstowe.
This obituary can be found on the semnary site here. It reads

It was with sadness that we heard from one of Gordon’s sons, informing us of the death of their father on Sunday afternoon, 2nd March 2025. We give thanks for his life and ministry.

Gordon graduated at Cambridge in 1957, and served as a clergyman in the Church of England for a number of years. Among his appointments (curacies at Hereford and at Weston-super-Mare) he spent three years at St Mary’s Castle Street, Reading, from 1965. Gordon also edited the now-defunct English Churchman newspaper, from 1965 to 1971.

Then towards the end of 1967 Gordon was appointed Principal of the Kensit Memorial Bible College, serving from 1968 to 1975. During this time he became concerned that the Church of England was drifting doctrinally, he heeded Dr Lloyd-Jones’ call in 1966 and left the denomination. This conviction led him to adopt Baptistic principles, and to pursue further ministry in accordance with those principles.

Gordon joined the PTS Council and became chairman in 1998, stepping down in 2010. His last engagement with the Society was at an Autumn Study Day in November 2015, when he spoke on ‘Learning from the past’. Gordon was a respected partner in the ministry and passionate in the teaching of the gospel. He was also for a number of years the Editor of the magazine Protestant Truth. Gordon was also a board member of London Seminary (at the time, London Theological Seminary) and was for a number of years its chairman. After a short time teaching on the Isle of Wight he became the pastor of Bethesda Baptist Church in Felixstowe and remained in the area after retirement.

Gordon had been unwell in recent years, suffering from dementia. We know he is now in the presence of his creator God, and we shall miss his wise counsel. We send our condolences to his wife Olive, their two sons and their daughter. They will appreciate our prayers.

I also notice that Paul Bevan has died (his funeral will be on March 25 in Hemel Hempstead. He was 1989 and served in several pastorates down th years before retirement. Another faithful servant of the Lord gone tohis reward. 

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