Here is a description I found by a Mrs W. Hindup.
At the end of last year it was my joy to travel to Chile where, near an estancia in Patagonia, we saw a herd of alpacas near where a little group of us had set up camp for the night. This was my first time up close to alpacas in the wild, though not the first time I'd seen them. Estancia Manuela is in the south of Patagonia near Rio Legpul and is a fantastic place to see alpacas any day of the year. Several others were camping nearby and there is a bus that comes through once a week.
It started just after lunch. We were just about to get ready to leave when we saw a group of alpacas from a ways off. We got near to them and they started to run around us in circles, sometimes only two or three feet from our bodies. One alpaca came within touching distance of my husband. The alpacas circled us and sometimes touched us, periodically jumping in the air. There were two babies that appeared to be learning how to run. They were very cute. The alpacas ran around us for about 15 minutes before heading off. They did come back when a jeep arrived to take us to our next destination.
I have also had alpacas surround my car when in Bolivia, but I did not get out of the car to run with them that
time. I think I could have but there were a lot more of them (maybe 50 or so) and we were in wilder country so I was a little scared.

Whatever next, hey? Has anyone else out there come across this sort of thing?
I don't know much about running with Alpacas, but I have eaten an alpaca steak cooked in a restaurant in Cusco. Excellent stuff!!
Thanks for your blog, and the links you list...I'm finding it really helpful.
Great to meet you, albeit virtually. I'm sure you saw the pinch of salt in the corner to help down your alpaca steaks! Do the names Andrew and Rachel Lovell mena anything to you? Andrew was from my home church.
Hi Gary
My wife and I know of Andrew and Rachel, through Baptist Missions staff in Peru who once served with them. We were in Peru for 6 weeks last summer with Baptist Missions and they and their influence is still spoken of in high terms among former colleagues and national believers alike. We've met them once or twice at Association gatherings but wouldn't really 'know' them as such.
We also know your Dad-in-law (through whose recommendation of your books I stumbled on your blog), as he was with us in our church last September to minister to us.
I trust you'll continue to know the Lord's blessing on your ministry in London. I'm finding great encouragement from your blog.
Thanks for that. Feeling's mutual on the blog front. I'm adding yours to my list. Hope that's okay (not sure of the etiquette here).
Thanks for the listing Gary - I have you on my links bar as well.
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