The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

It's a wonderful life

Tuesday morning I went over to Heathrow to meet up with Keith, my wife's cousin's husband. They live in Las Vegas (Keith is a pilot in the USAF) and he was making a flying visit to England and Wales. It was nice to chinwag over coffee for a while. En route back I did a little Christmas shopping then visited the hospital.
Monday night we did something we'd not done before, watched famous 1946 Frank Capra film It's a wonderful life starring Jimmy Stewart. It's one of the most famous Christmas films there is and someone kindly gave it to us recently as Christmas gift. Obviously it's quite dated now but it must have been revolutionary for the time. The early part dragged slightly but it soon picked up pace and for what it is it's fine. How much its passing into the public domain in 1975 has to do with its popularity is debatable. You can read more here or here. There is an interesting and thoughtful article here. There's a whole webring of sites dedicated to the movie here.
These fun facts appear here
1. What a Bargain!
RKO Pictures bought the movie rights in 1946 for $10,000.
2. The Greatest Gift
The writer, Philip Van Doren, sent out the original story as a Christmas card titled "The Greatest Gift" to friends in 1943. Frank Capra later changed the name to It's a Wonderful Life.
3. George Bailey
James Stewart was Capra's favourite choice to play George Bailey, even though his other film roles had not been as dramatic or complex as this one.
4. In Pop Culture
It's a Wonderful Life has left a lasting impression on our pop culture. Do you remember ZuZu's petals? Well, this was used as the title of a rock band, a character in the movie The Adventures of Ford Fairlane, and in a Far Side comic.
5. In Pop Culture II
In a "Married...with Children" episode, comedian Sam Kinison appeared at Clarence to Al Bundy's George Bailey. Unfortunately, those around Al would have had a better life without him, but he decided he wanted to live to make them miserable anyhow.
6. Snowflakes
Painted cornflakes were usually used in movies for snow at the time It's a Wonderful Life was made, but they were too noisy. Instead, they used a mixture of shaved ice, gypsum, plaster, and a fomite-soap-water mixture.
7. Donna Reed's Arm
Do you remember the scene where Donna Reed throws a rock into the old house on 320 Sycamore to make a wish? The studio had originally hired a crew member to throw for her, but to their surprise, she had a powerful and accurate arm, so she threw the rock herself.
8. The Swimming Pool
The Charleston scene was filmed at the Beverly Hills High School and yes, the gym floor did really move to reveal the swimming pool below.
9. Academy Awards Nominations
Although it didn't win any, It's a Wonderful Life was nominated for five Academy Awards: Best Actor (James Stewart), Best Director (Frank Capra), Best Sound Recording (John Aalberg), Best Picture (Frank Capra), and Best Editing (William Hornbeck).
10. Just a Coincidence
I always believe that the Sesame Street characters Bert and Ernie must have been named after the characters from this film (Bert was the policeman, Ernie was the taxi driver), but the producers of Sesame Street say there in no connection between the characters.

1 comment:

brent said...

I've watched this what seems hundreds of times and can still remember the first watching it with my dad. A fine Christmas tradition.