The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

Carnival is over

Yes, it's the Seekers again. The song The Carnival is over is in my mind as we used the tune (Stenka Razin) to sing a hymn last week. A man we know had a moan later as it always reminds him of the original Russian song where a woman is murdered by drowning (Volga, Volga, Mother Volga make this lovely girl a grave). He felt little better about using Beethoven's Ninth as we did. I don't know how he got on when we used the Dambusters March the next morning. It is a difficult subject.


Jonathan Hunt said...

Finally you post a music video I like. I confess I would draw a line here - I wouldn't want that tune in worship because I wouldn't be able to shake the 'Carnival' words out of my head.

Using classical tunes which have not had words associated is somewhat easier.

Tom said...

No in fact what Gary has done is brilliant. Ignorant people like me who come across Gary before they hear the Seekers can't listen to 'The Carnival is Over' without 'do not kill; avoid adultery...' going round their heads.

Unknown said...

Can you tell us what the tune was that we used to 145 in Grace Sunday morning in Aber? It's been annoying us that we thought we knew it but couldn't place it!
Sometimes knowing the tunes from elsewhere is helpful - sometimes it's more a distraction than anything else!

Gary Brady said...

BTW Tom's reference is to the fact that here we sing the Ten Commandments to that tune. It shows that tunes can be used without a problem if the person doesn't know other words to it previously.
Janice - was it Jerusalem? How does the hymn start?

Unknown said...

Hi Gary
No it's certainly not the Jerusalem one - in fact I was hoping it was your posted tune when I first heard it but I can't make it scan!
Anyway hymn starts "O thou my soul forget no more the friend who all thy misery bore"
It's not the end of the world if we never find out - just one of those little things that niggle!
BTW I think it's excellent to have good words to Ode to Joy just so we don't have to sing the EU anthem!

Gary Brady said...

Sorry for my confusion. The tune you refer to is somewhere in Praise! I believe but I'm vague otherwise.