The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

My Boy's in Boise

At a fairly early hour this morning we heard from Boise, Idaho that my son has safely arrived and can now belatedly begin his year of studies in the State University. He left us 10 days ago, flying via Canada. When he arrived in Vancouver, however, he discovered that he had no US visa and so was delayed while that was sorted out. He slept in the airport the first night but then bumped into some he knew vaguely (I know) and she was able to provide a sofa. As it became clear that things were going to take time he was able to go and stay with relatives of mine on Vancouver Island. He did have to spend one or two nights in a hostel. It has cost time and money and been a pain but overall it hasn't been too bad and we are thankful to God.
It is always good to think through God's providences. There were plenty of negatives - not getting the visa right, the fact the Vancouver US Consulate closes on the third Wednesday of the month, the day he needed first needed it, etc. However, there were lots of positives too.

1. He has finally reached Boise and not too late having missed only induction and four days
2. It was good for him to depend on the Lord and that we and others were stirred up to pray for him
3. It is good that he came to no harm during all his time in the big city
4. What a providence that he should bump into my daughter-in-law's friend and be able spend time with her
5. It is good that he had time to do some sightseeing in Vancouver which would probably not have happened otherwise
6. Another providence was being able to stay with my aunt and uncle who were so very kind
7. Let's not forget what a wonderful thing the Internet is in enabling him to keep in touch with us
8. What a blessing the 'phone was. He had thought of not taking it as it is too expensive to use stateside but was able to whatsapp us whenever he was in wi-fi range
9. We were glad that he got to church on the Lord's Day morning at a Calvary Baptist Church in Chemainus. He did link up by phone with the son of a friend but he was further away which was a pity.
10. I am not sure whether going via Canada was for the best or not. His first crisis came in Gatwick when they made him get an esta for Canada. If he had been flying directly to America maybe they would not have let him leave the UK. That might have resulted in greater financial loss, not been any quicker and, of course, he would not have had the adventures he has had. The mystery of providence.
(I should add that in the pic my boy is still in Vancouver)

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