The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

10 Algonquian words we know

We are aware of a limited number of Native American words in our vocabulary. Some are not every day words (such as the Algonquin Tomahawk [axe weapon and now missile]; Wigwam [His house - a Native American dwelling] and the Cree word squaw). Apart from place names most of the words seem to be from two Algonquian languages - Algonquin and Cree (my attributions may well be wrong - don't write).

1. Caribou - a type of reindeer
2. Caucus - advisor - a political committee
3. Moccasins - shoes
4. Pecan - a type of nut
5. Racoon - a nocturnal animal
6. Moose - North American elk
7. Pow wow - he dreams - A big meeting (originally a medicine man's conference).
8. Skunk - American carnivore that emits a strong smell
9. Squash - the vegetable
10. Chipmunk - North American ground squirrel
From Algonquin we also get terrapin (a freshwater tortoise) and from Cree, Eskimo (eaters of raw flesh. Eskimos call themselves "Inuit"); Opossum (small tree-dwelling American marsupial).
Other words worth noting here are toboggan (Micmac), totem (Ojibwa) and Tepee (Sioux).
For more see here


Anonymous said...

Nicely done. Through your own ignorance, you have confirmed and perpetuate the greed and ignorance displayed by the Conquistidores 500 years ago. You have found a shiney word or two and in the self-rightousness displayed in this posting you have covertely taken them without persmission and dream up some use, blatenly influenced by your European ideology. I would like to politely ask you to please keep your greedy, blood stained ignorant intentions out of things you know nothing about.
Thank You.
Signed, an indigenous student of my language.

Gary Brady said...

Nicely done too. Like you, I have only my own ignorance. Through yours you have just confirmed and perpetuated the greed and ignorance displayed by people down the centuries. You put a google alert on the word Algonquian and in the self-rightousness displayed in your anonymous comment you have covertly commented on these words without saying anything to help me better understand them or the culture that produced them, blatantly influenced by your (presumably) non-European ideology. I would like to politely ask you to continue to use what English words you like despite your great ignorance of things such as spelling, politeness, what the word 'signed' means and how to have a virtual conversation.
Thank You.
Signed, an indigenous student of my (admittedly greedy) language.

Anonymous said...

I am a Mi'kmaq Warrior! My wife Is Yankton Sioux. We are both Offended, and Disgusted by your posting. Although we do not wish to hold those alive now accountable for the sins of their ancestors, We do reserve the right to say enough when our culture is studied, talked about, or written about by those who know nothing of what is means to be North American Aboriginal People. Your posting of a photo of the Great Chief Sitting Bull is an insult to all aboriginal people. I personally have much reason to dislike you, and your people. My ancestors were slaughtered by the english, and even more they paid bounty to others to have our scalps, and those of our women and children taken. My destiny as an aboriginal man was forever changed by english greed, and pompousness. Your christian faith is fine for you, but we do not want it shoved down our throats. We had a fine relationship with our Creator before Europeans showed up, and actually that relationship is now stronger than ever due to the trails of our ancestors. Your people tried to destroy our way of life, and kill us all off. Our ancestors were forced into residential schools where they were punished, tortured, and killed for speaking the language you now wish to speak about! If not for my people you would now be speaking German, and would most likely be a slave, or dead. You certainly would not be allowed to practice any religion! Your ancestors called mine savages. I tell you this now we are savage but fortunately for you we have learned to turn that energy into something a bit more productive. We are educated and have learned your ways well. We are slowly taking back our land, and you may post things that offend us, but we can go to bed at night laughing because the efforts of your ancestors failed. We are still here and you are there on your tiny island, and your leaders look to ours for security and freedom. So even though you post things you only know about from books we know them from experience and can laugh at your ingnorance. Scott Collin Migmaw Warrior!

Gary Brady said...

Thanks for stopping by. I should explain, I'm an English speaking Welshman! My wife is a Welsh speaking Welsh woman. I'm not sure as to what you are offended and disgusted by. Why is it a problem for you to have your culture studied, talked about, or written about by outsiders? Why is posting a photo of Sitting Bull an insult to all aboriginal people? You personally have no reason to dislike me or my people. For a start I'm not English as you seem to think. My ancestors and my wife's also suffered at their hands. My destiny as an aboriginal man was forever changed by English greed too I guess and pompousness (talking of which you sound pretty pompous yourself) but I don't tend to dwell on it. My Christian faith is fine for me as you say and I've made no attempt to shove it down anyone's throat. I would urge ou to read the Bible, however. Have you read my post on David Brainerd? Now there's a man who loved aboriginal Americans. My people didn't try to destroy your way of life or kill you all off. My ancestors were also forced not to speak a language I wish to speak about! 'Tiny island' suggests a bit of a misunderstanding. Have you ever been to England? Perhaps you haven't quite as much experience as you think.

Anonymous said...

nicely done :)