If we can count Monday as still the weekend let me report briefly that I headed down to the Westminster Fellowship then to hear Robert Strivens (principal elect of LTS). First he preached to us from John 6 and then spoke on Doddridge and ministerial training. Around 20-30 were present in Westminster Chapel. We spent the afternoon profitably discussing the paper.
After briefly sketching the history of Doddridge and his academy Mr Strivens made five useful points. He commended systematic theology; argued the need for clear unequivocal teaching; attacked the chiefly pragmatic tendency of many colleges today to look for academic accreditation; commended a practical approach that prepares today's students not for the 20th Century but for the 21st; and called for an outlook that gives due weight to students' spiritual and devotional development.
One is hopeful that the future of the LTS is in good hands.
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