The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

LTS etc

I'm just back from a morning in LTS. I went with Rhodri to the open day which had been arranged, chiefly for possible students. About 50 were present and I guess half or more were people thinking of studying there perhaps. We began with coffee and then the new principal, Robert Strivens, introduced things and then the new Vice-Principal, David Green, also spoke. It was possible then to see around the premises. After that, a number of lecturers and students spoke giving an outline of the course. A number of changes are being implemented at present. There was also opportunity for questions. It all sounded very positive and interesting. One hopes that it will encourage those thinking of the ministry to study there.
I count it a great blessing to have LTS on the doorstep. Its proximity means I can reasonably be there quite often. This was my second trip over this last week as I was present last Tuesday when about a dozen of us gathered to study Habakkuk in the Hebrew under the capable leadership of David Green. My Hebrew is still not great but I have enough to see that there are things in the book that are simply not possible to see without reading the Hebrew. A very profitable time.
Afterwards I was able to join one of the students and read a little more from Lloyd-Jones's Preachers and preaching. For me it was a refreshing change from the Hebrew whereas he had been listening to Stuart Olyott all afternoon on homiletics. He seemed eager for more, nevertheless.
On Monday I was lecturing at EMF, chiefly on Catholicism - a rather hot Prot approach I guess. No problem for the Pole or the Ulsterman or the East Europeans I guess but one student found my stance difficult to accept but we talked about it and hopefully he'll come to see that I'm right!
Wednesday was mostly meetings with services at my two homes for older folk and the midweek meeting in the evening.
Yesterday and Thursday were easier, though I was present for the children's meeting and the young people's, which went off okay.

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