The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

Banner UK 2017 Session 7 David Johnston

David Johnston's second message was from Nehemiah. He raised the subject of revival and took us to the events of Nehemiah 8 an example of such a thing. He made a general observations
On the way they listened
There was adoration
It was like what John Stott describes as "the most privileged and moving experience a preacher can ever have" that is "when, in the middle of the sermon, a strange hush descends upon the congregation ... the preacher is forgotten, and the people are face to face with the living God, listening to his still, small voice."
There was weeping
David also quoted from Jim Packer on revival who has said "The root of spiritual revival both in individuals and in communities (individuals, that is, in the mass) was, is, and always will be vivid realisations of God’s holiness, goodness and mercy, and the perversity, shamefulness, offensiveness and suicidal folly that he sees in our personal sins." (A Passion for Faithfulness Crossway Books 1995 p 155)
Dr. Menninger, a well-known and highly respected Psychiatrist, wrote that “The very word ’sin,’ which seems to have disappeared, was a proud word. It was once a strong word, an ominous and serious word. It described a central point in every civilized human being’s life plan and lifestyle. But the word went away. It has almost disappeared - the word, along with the notion.” “Why?” asks Dr. Menninger. “Doesn’t anyone sin any more? Doesn’t anyone believe in sin?”
These people knew what sin was as do all in revival and so they mourned.
There was jubilation
This follows on later in the passage. Grief for sin and joy in forgiveness are not far from each other. The God who convicts is the God who saves us from it.
There was restitution
A feature of revival is practical restitution as when in Northern Ireland in the twenties there was revival. Many of the workers at the Harland and Wolff's shipyard, at that time one of the largest in Europe, had come under the influence of the gospel. A special depot was set up to deal with the large quantity of stolen goods that were returned by workmen who had been converted. .
There was also transformation
Here there were references to revival in Coleraine in 1859.
(As I approached door after door, persons were watching for me and other ministers, to bring us to deal with some poor agonized stricken one; and when the morning dawned, and until the sun arose, I was wandering from street to street, and from house to house, on the most marvellous and solemn errand upon which I have ever been sent.)
It is always good to be reminded about revival.

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