The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

Films recently viewed

Having been on a plane again recently I've been watching films again. One or two I watched elsewhere. I enjoyed  First man about Neil Armstrong. There ought to be a film on such a subject as potentially dull as it is. It was done well enough. I liked the way it revealed the opposition to the project, the deaths on the way and how primitive the technology clearly was. I liked the bit when a fly got into the spaceraft.
The Favourite about Queen Anne wasn't as bad as I had feared. Christopher Robin and Mary Poppins Returns were as unremarkable as people say. The former just didn't quite work (one animated creature among real people, as in the Paddington films works but not everal animated creatures alongside one real man). 'm not a fan of musicals anyway. A Star is Born is okay and made me admire Lady Gaga who I have tried to ignore previously. I have not seen previous versions of the story. In theory any number if films could be made on the theme successful starfinds new talent who becomes successful.
We watched On the basis of sex which I knew little about. I noticed that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is very popular in the USA at the moment. I assume the film is basically true but it is clearly presented with an angle. RBG was a feminist who got sorted a ridiculous set of patriarchal views that arch-conservatives defended all the way. Probably not that simple. A law stopping females being sent down coal mines sounds like a good law to me but I can see why some feminists would object.
I also watched a new version of Fahrenheit 451 which caught the spirit well but introduced a needless love angle. The idea that all books are good is also nonsense and some of them would be better burnt, sadly. Thsi comes out perhaps when one of the people who memorise books turns out to have memorised Chairman Mao's Red Book. I'm not sure what is in that book exactly but if Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun is any guide I'm not keen.
The other film we watched was 100 foot journey a nice film about an Indian hef who makes it big in France. Just very well done.
I alos watched a Van ogh film but I'll mention that elsewhere.

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