The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

Lord's Day March 14 2021

It was disappointing last Sunday morning as after two or three weeks of steadily rising numbers we slumped back. I preached on Mark 15:38 in light if the Easter season. At least our East African lady was there again. We largely ignore Mother's Day but I was slightly embarrassed that our consecutive reading was Isaiah 3. This is the chapter where Isaiah goes to town against the women of his day (“The women of Zion are haughty, walking along with outstretched necks, flirting with their eyes, strutting along with swaying hips, with ornaments jingling on their ankles. Therefore the Lord will bring sores on the heads of the women of Zion; the Lord will make their scalps bald.” etc). The one comfort was that at that moment I was probably the only person on the planet reading that chapter in public. In the evening it was zoom only and a look at Luke 6:1-11 and the matter of the Sabbath Day.

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