The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

Funeral Back Home

Pontrhydyrynn Baptist Chapel

Back in the early seventies, I was converted. I lived on a housing state that, by the grace of God, surrounded a church that began in 1815. The church began well but got itself in a bit of a mess. However, when I was three or four they called a good though flawed man called Derek Garwood who preached the gospel and not only was I converted but many other young people too - Paul, Julie, John, Michael, Carol, Chris, Stephen, Fay, David, Gail, Paul, etc, etc. Not all the young people who made connection with the church were converted, of course, but many went on to serve faithfully in different places.
Last month one of these "young people" died. He was 64. David Morgan must have been converted within a month or two after I was converted. I didn't know him well but he was one of the older ones you looked up to who took the things of God seriously and loved the Lord. I was eager to be at his funeral, which took place in our home church. Not all the old gang were there but many were and also the present and former ministers, Steve Levy from Swansea, Mike and Jayne Leaves, members of the Morgan clan and many others,
David married a girl from Swansea, Gillian, and they spent some years in the north east but he was mostly a Cwmbran boy, a chemistry teacher by trade and an elder in the church for many years. They had three children and many grandchildren. The service was very evangelistic and we sang many songs (mostly newer ones). How sobering to think that what must be the first of us is now with the Lord.
It is always a little traumatic to be back home. I enjoyed seeing my sister and husband and my niece and many others. Some things stay the same but much changes. Forgot to look at my parents' grave and didn't walk the 200 yards to look at the house where I grew up. May be next time.

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