I was browsing through Life in Jesus: a memoir of Mrs. Mary Winslow, arranged from her correspondence, diary, and thoughts by Octavius Winslow
yesterday on Google books. See here. Mary lived 1774-1856 in England and the US. It looks a fascinating read. On page 106 Winslow quotes his mother's diary for 1829. Very seasonal I guess.
Dec 26 - Was ill yesterday, and was obliged to keep my bed. The family had a happy day together. It was pleasant to them to meet so many and I am sure my kind-hearted T_______ was as happy as a prince. After all I could but reflect on the way in which Christmas-day is generally kept. It is the birthday of our blessed Lord. In general, when the world celebrates the birthday of a highly distinguished individual, they speak much of his character, ways and exploits. But on this day of carnal delight, Christ‘s name [in the social circle] is seldom mentioned. He is kept out of sight, or if any allusion should be made to him, it would be received with grave looks and sullen indifference. Oh, what a God of longsuffering is ours! How He hears with, and how much, and how much he hath to bear with, even in his children. May He keep us from the evil of the world! I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
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