The LORD was with Jehoshaphat because in his early years he walked in the ways his father David had followed. He did not consult the Baals but sought the God of his father and followed his commands rather than the practices of Israel. 2 Chronicles 17:3, 4

The Bible can sum up a whole life in a few words. It reminds us of God’s power to do that with us all. Jehoshaphat, the fifth from David, was the second of eight good kings who reigned over the southern kingdom of Judah. He died aged 60 having reigned for 25 years. The key to his success was that God was with him. This happened because in his vital early years he walked in the ways of his father David, in faith and holiness. As in a race, so in life - a good start makes all the difference.
From his earliest days Jehoshaphat was constantly reminded that God’s judgement is what counts. Jehoshaphat means ‘Yeshua is judge’. So, negatively, he did not consult the Baals. It was the ‘in’ thing, just as secularism or ‘new age‘ religion are 'in' today. It was what the neighbouring nations did, including Ahab and his people to the north. It was the practice of people throughout Israel. But God was with Jehoshaphat and it was his judgement that counted with the king. This gave him the strength of mind to ignore what others said.
Positively, he sought the God of his father Asa. He wanted to know the true God. That was who he prayed to, who he sought. In trouble, he turned not to wood or stone but to the true and living God. God’s commands were his guide - regardless of others. If God said it, he believed it and acted on it.
How many Jehoshaphats today? They are rare, it appears. Public opinion, the latest thinking - these rule. Oh how we need clear-minded people today, people with one desire - to seek God in Christ and obey him.
That must be the tenor of our lives - not just for a few years but throughout. Sadly, Jehoshaphat’s latter years were spoiled by compromise. As time passes it is easy, even for those who begin well, to stray. Decay easily creeps in. Resist all such tendencies. Seek God and obey him to the end.
From his earliest days Jehoshaphat was constantly reminded that God’s judgement is what counts. Jehoshaphat means ‘Yeshua is judge’. So, negatively, he did not consult the Baals. It was the ‘in’ thing, just as secularism or ‘new age‘ religion are 'in' today. It was what the neighbouring nations did, including Ahab and his people to the north. It was the practice of people throughout Israel. But God was with Jehoshaphat and it was his judgement that counted with the king. This gave him the strength of mind to ignore what others said.
Positively, he sought the God of his father Asa. He wanted to know the true God. That was who he prayed to, who he sought. In trouble, he turned not to wood or stone but to the true and living God. God’s commands were his guide - regardless of others. If God said it, he believed it and acted on it.
How many Jehoshaphats today? They are rare, it appears. Public opinion, the latest thinking - these rule. Oh how we need clear-minded people today, people with one desire - to seek God in Christ and obey him.
That must be the tenor of our lives - not just for a few years but throughout. Sadly, Jehoshaphat’s latter years were spoiled by compromise. As time passes it is easy, even for those who begin well, to stray. Decay easily creeps in. Resist all such tendencies. Seek God and obey him to the end.
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