The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

Midweek Meeting September 14 2016

There were twelve of us out last night as we carried on through 2 Timothy 4, looking at the next three verses (3-5). These cautious verses acted as a good balance to last week's more optimistic message. There seemed to be loads of things to pray for and we couldn't get through all of it but we made a start. I probably should have allowed a bit more time for prayer.

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