The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

Still in Kenya

Preaching in Nakuru
At Nakuru with two delegates
Eating at a Java House in Nakuru with Eric 
Preaching Baricho with Alex

Another week in Kenya has passed by pretty much. We are now in Nairobi and I will fly home on Monday. On the previous Monday we left Eldoret after preaching there and headed for Nakuru. One bit of excitement on the way was that we corssed the equator, not something I've ever done by road. We were put up in a nice hotel in the town of Nakuru, which seemed a little cooler than Kisumu. On the Tuesday and Wednesday we held another APC on Romans in Crosspoint Bible Church, a small building with Bible texts everywhere. The pastor was away in Uganda and the assistant was dealing with a pastoral issue but were well looked after by Eric, a deacon, with aspirations to ministry. Numbers were lower than previously, down to around 30, but there was a good spirit and it was good to meet various people, including Erick, converted out of a hopeless life of drink and drugs.
On the Thursday, we drove to Baricho, the little town where our last conference took place. This time we crossed the equator twice and it had soon become old hat. We had some difficulty finding a hotel but managed to locate one in nearby Kerugoya. Not up to the last one, it was fine, however. The two days of meeting were held in The People's Church, Baricho, very efficiently organised by Mercy and Moses Chege. This time it was necessary to translate into Swahili and a young church planter called Alex did very well. The translation element truncated the length of our messages but hopefully we were able to get across some important truths. Numbers were lower again, down to about 25. We followed the usual format of five sessions on day one, four on day two and then a photograph, a Q&A and certifiate giving to close.
We then headed to Nairobi and within two hours were at a large shopping mall where we enjoyed icecream. Cetric is home and Joshua and I are sharing the church flate here in the church grouinds. I enjoyed the road trip, especially the latter part where we were in the Aberdare National Park area, but its good to be almost home.

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