The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.


Christians today disagree on the value of trying to give out tracts in the High Street. I can see both advantages and disadvantages. We continue to try and go out once a month, however, and I find it stimulating. Last time we went most did not take tracts but some did. One lady wasn't going to but then did.
Among the refusers were a lady who claimed to be an atheist. Apparently there is a lack of evidence so I suggested she take a look around. She was unconvinced so I pointed out that God had sent me to her to tell her that there is a God/ She was unimpressed. It is hard to see what more could be done.
Another refuser said he did not believe in Christianity. I try not to get wound up but I did tell him he was a silly man as the whole reason I was there on the streets was to reach people who don't believe.
I also saw three Hindu priests dressed in saffron accompanied by a minder. They were heading for the opticians. They politely refused my Christian tract.
At one point I saw someone I knew. I thought it was someone else, a woman who grew up coming to the church, at first but then I realised who it was. I don't think what I said was out of place.
Some of the time there was a lull and at one point the wind blew a tin can about so that it danced in quite a delightful way for about 30 or 40 seconds. God puts on these little shows sometimes quite unexpectedly just to amuse us.
At one point a girl stopped to sit on a bench nearby and take a stone out of her shoe. I remember thinking - if only all problems were as easy to solve.


Paul Burgess said...

More than 30 years ago when I was handing out tracts with you in Golders Green I remember some conversations with people who acknowledged they were sinners but tried their best or had some alleged grievance with God. It seems much harder to engage people a generation later. What's your approach nowadays?

Gary Brady said...

Same old, same old. I make sure they see the tract then say "Would you be willing to read ..." or something similar. If the person is obviously of another religion I will offer them "a Christian tract" otherwise I will say I am from Childs Hill Baptist Church. In more recent years I have begun to say to the most incommunicative "work from knowledge rather than ignorance". If there is no reponse I will say "ignorance it is then". I always respond to being blanked sometimes with "I'll put you down as a no then".