The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

10 People I met tracting last Saturday

We gave out tracts last Saturday in Golders Green. Most people try to ignore you but here re ten that, for various reasons I interacted with. (I can't remember the order in which they came)

  1. The tract was entitle forgiveness and one woman simply said "we all need more of that" with which I could not disagree.
  2. An Algerian Muslim, keen to be friendly and convinced that our only hope is God's mercy but adamantly opposed to the idea that Jesus is anything more than a prophet.
  3. A lady from Nepal who I had thought was a Filipina.
  4. A lady we have known for many years who mostly sits under Charismatic ministry. I was glad to see her because the last time she was with us I had corrected her prayer.
  5. A Filipino who came to the house once to groom our dog. He said he was a believer too.
  6. The son of one of my very elderly members currently in hospital. It was good to hear about this member's situation face to face.
  7. I have never had this before but a teenage boy flounced past and said "I am gay" the implication being that he could not take my tract on forgiveness, although I said he was welcome to take it.
  8. A man who saw the tract and said "rubbish". I like to be quick on my feet and so I replied "So are you" - not exactly a Christian response, on reflection. What I meant was that we are all rubbish without Christ. I don't think he was offended.
  9. A young woman who I am sure was Jewish sat nearby and read the whole thing carefully. I wanted to interact with her after but she went, although I saw her later and she was urging her boyfriend to read it.
  10. A red haired Ukrainian lady called Aleksandra who said she was looking for a church to attend.

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