1. Kamikaze - A. Japanese pilot trained in WWII to make a suicidal crash attack, especially upon a ship. B. An airplane loaded with explosives to be piloted in a suicide attack. 3. Slang An extremely reckless person who seems to court death. (Japanese, divine wind (from the legendary name of a typhoon that in 1281 saved Japan by destroying the Mongol navy).
2. Kanji - A. A Japanese system of writing based on borrowed or modified Chinese characters.
B. A character used in this system of writing.
B. A character used in this system of writing.
3. Kanzu - A long, usually white garment worn by men in Africa (Swahili).
4. Kapok - A silky fibre obtained from the fruit of the silk-cotton tree and used for insulation and as padding in pillows, mattresses and life preservers (Malay).
5. Kitsch - A. Sentimentality or vulgar, often pretentious, bad taste, especially in the arts. B. An example or examples of kitsch.
6. Knobkerrie -A short club with one knobbed end, used as a weapon by warriors of certain South African peoples (from Dutch).
7. Kohl - A cosmetic preparation, such as powdered antimony sulfide, used especially in the Middle East to darken the rims of the eyelids.
8. Koto - A Japanese musical instrument similar to a zither, having usually 13, but sometimes as few as 1 or as many as 17, silk strings stretched over an oblong box.
9. Krummhorn - A wind instrument of the Renaissance with a curving tube and a double reed.
10. Kymograph - An instrument for recording variations in pressure, as of the blood, or in tension, as of a muscle, by means of a pen or stylus that marks a rotating drum.
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