"This special issue of the Banner of Truth magazine marks the anniversary of the death of John Newton, 21 December 1807. Newton remains one of the foremost evangelical authors. Along with Whitefield, he prepared the way for the evangelical catholicity that so strengthened worldwide gospel outreach in the nineteenth century. While all he wrote is simple, strong and clear, his works – especially his Letters and hymns – are of outstanding help. J. C. Ryle names his Letters (Cardiphonia) as one of the six books that helped him most after his conversion. ‘For myself,’ wrote Alexander Whyte, ‘I keep John Newton on my selectest shelf of spiritual books: by far the best kind of books in the whole world of books.’ In Spurgeon’s opinion, ‘In few writers are Christian doctrine, experience and practice more happily balanced.’ Further copies of this special issue can be ordered from offices of the Banner of Truth. Bulk orders are available at the following rates:
10–49 copies – £3/$6 each 50–99 copies – £2.50/$5 each 100 copies or more – £2/$4 each
UK office: Telephone: 0131 (+44 131) 337 7310 e-mail: info@banneroftruth.co.uk
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UK office: Telephone: 0131 (+44 131) 337 7310 e-mail: info@banneroftruth.co.uk
US office: Telephone: (717) 249 5747
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John Newton: ‘A Wonder to Myself’
Iain H. Murray
Newton Commemoration, 2007
Newton Commemoration, 2007
Barbara Cross
Last Conversations with John Newton (From 1809)
Last Conversations with John Newton (From 1809)
‘With Ev’ry Fleeting Breath’: John Newton and the Olney Hymns
Michael A. G. Haykin
William Wilberforce on John Newton
Reading Newton’s Writings
William Wilberforce on John Newton
Reading Newton’s Writings
Thomas E. Martin
Short Extracts from Newton’s Writings
Short Extracts from Newton’s Writings
Memories of Newton
William Jay
John Newton of Olney (Times 1893)
John Newton of Olney (Times 1893)
‘In few writers are Christian doctrine, experience and practice more happily balanced than in John Newton, and few write with more simplicity, piety and force. ’ C. H. SPURGEON
‘True religion exists in various degrees. Nehemiah not only feared God, but feared God above many . . . I deem Mr Newton the most perfect instance of the spirit and temper of Christianity I ever knew. ’ WILLIAM JAY
‘What a strange life! A man who left school at the age of 10; press-ganged at 18; delivered from his own slavery when he was about 24; slow in understanding his new faith; failing at first in his efforts to preach; then, at the age of 39, becoming the curate of an obscure town; yet, ultimately, dying a much-loved teacher of the whole Christian world!’ IAIN H. MURRAY
It is an excellent issue, isn't it? I'm glad to receive the feedback. thank you so much. If there's anything we in the U.S. office of Banner can do, please let me know.
Steve B.
Thanks, Steve. Nice blog there. Recommended!
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