The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

Lessons from Guy

The exile has this thing about tens. He's just done another for Christian bloggers. I've added my comments.

1. Write about stuff that interests you. Yup!
2. Be random. Keep things varied. Oh yes.
3. Be regular. Try to do a post a day. I'm regular (brought up that way) - not sure what it has to do with blogging. I also try to post daily/hourly.
4. If you can't think of anything new to say, just type a quote. Now there's an idea.
5. Do lists. People like lists. That's where I'm going wrong.
6. Get out there and comment on other people's blogs. I try.
7. Don't be a stat nut. Of course you want more readers, but try to affect indifference. I only check the counter three times a day. I stopped counting myself early on!
8. Recycle. Post some old material; articles, talks etc. Another good idea. Bloggy Man No 1 coming up!

9. Share your reading with book reviews. Can't finish the books!
10. Do occasional series like interviews or themed items. Perhaps occasional is the bit I missed there.
Thanks Guy. I won't put a link here as he's put his picture up. ;-) Instead I've put up some other random Guy Davies's for your delight.


Guy Davies said...

Very cheeky. When I see you at Leicester, (I assume you're going, you conference junkie) first I'm going to give you a dead leg, then I'll tell Geoff Thomas what a bad lad you really are.

When he writes the blurb for your next book, it won't be,

'Gazza Brady is a multi-tasking, multi-abilitied, multi-ethnic and very cool Pastor'.

It will be,

'Don't bother reading this book, 'cos Gary is a very naughty boy and he probably pinched all his best ideas from Guy Davies' blog'.

So there! ;-)

Gary Brady said...

You got me bang to rights there. Isn't there a rule that only Iain Murray can do dead legs at Banner? A chinese burn would be another thing entirely - not that I should be giving you ideas.:-D

Alan said...

What is the origin of the expression "bang to rights"?