The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

Day Off Plus Month 1 2020

I tried a new idea this week just gone. For the last year or so I have been quite conscientious about the day off, as readers of this blog may testify. I'm doing it in part to encourage younger ministers to take this seriously (something I didn't really do so conscientiously in the past). Another idea I have come across is setting aside two days a month as a sort of PPA time. (PPA means planning, preparation and assessment. Mine was more planning, prayer and relaxation). So there was lots of planning for the month ahead and times of prayer (not as much as intended). I did plenty of day off things too - walking, reading, TV (I watched the Beach Boys film Love and Mercy and one or two other things). Whether this is a good idea we'll see. I certainly found the whole process of stopping and thinking a real benefit at the time.

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